
Responses from mitch2

Ann Arbor
Hi, I am in Kalamazoo so may not be as active as you guys who are closer to AA, but I am definitely interested in hearing more. In building my system, there have been many times I would have liked to audition a piece before buying off A'gon based ... 
Power cords
In my experience, yes PC's do make a difference, but I have not yet reached the point of diminishing returns. I think it is a personal matter where you want to spend your $, and when you are finally satisfied to just listen to music. I have a fair... 
What's the oldest piece of gear in your system?
my listening room - 1956 
Which are the top DVD-A players?
There are other options, check out Muse Model 10, Model 9 Signature, and Thalia. All are reported to be excellent with redbook CD and DVD-A. Links below. 
Adcom GFP-750 vs Parasound P/LD-2000 Preamps?
Sorry, but I haven't heard the Parasound. FWIW, I owned the Adcom for over a year, then had it upgraded with Stan Warren's Black Gate cap upgrade. Very detailed, but somewhat bright with a propensity of becoming etched in the upper frequencies on ... 
McCormack DNA-125/225 Upgrades
Wow, you guys who have had the upgrades, and especially Bruce's review are very convincing! To be clear, my post above was in no way meant to disparage what the good folks at SMc are doing or the quality of the products. My point was that they hav... 
McCormack DNA-125/225 Upgrades
Reading this thread, and particularly Paul's post, made me think about what you are really getting for your money with these upgrades. I owned the DNA2 and seriously considered having it upgraded by SMc. My conversations with the folks at SMc show... 
Adcom GFP-750 Modfication Question
Improvements are as described by Lmack and Ritteri. I would not recommend just swapping out the caps yourself since the values used by Stan are not exactly the same as used by the mfg. However, the improvements are noticible immediately and the un... 
Just got a BAT VK1000 ?
I also use the VK500 w/bat pack, and have found it to be a very nice amp. Solid low end, smooth highs and a fairly liquid midrange for SS. However, my Alon V/Circe speakers are voiced for tubes and I am considering ASL Hurricanes as a potential up... 
Just wondering
OK Fatparrot, no problem, but if I accidently by mistake send you a check for $45,000, would you please return the balance of $40,500 in cash??? 
Sound Anchor Stands...worth the money?
I have used both standard B&W 803 SA stands, and custom made SA stands for my Alon V's, in both cases a great product; adds mass and focus across entire frequency spectrum, and protects the bottom of your speakers from vacuums, etc. Great peop... 
hardwood floors and spikes
Cone coasters by Sound Anchor. Nice looking stainless, with a small divot for the spike and stuff on the bottom so you can slide them around easily when you need to. 
Need Help with Technical Question
Not a good idea without damaging something. A better move would be to purchase one of the available high quality two channel preamps with a HT pass through. Look at BAT preamps, Muse 3 sig, and at a lower price point, Adcom GFP750. There are other... 
Acarian Systems Black Orpheus Speaker Cable
Using them tri-wired with Alon V Mk II+ and I doubt I would better them anywhere near the price. They were substantially better than AQ Type 4+ and DH Labs T-14/Q-10 in a tri-wire set up. BTW, the DH Labs were pretty good wires for the price. I li... 
DH labs q-10?
Q-10 sounds good. I had it bi wired with T-14 on B&W (quite synergistic) and tri-wired on my Alon V's. I ultimately went with Alon's Black Orpheus, which provided a more textured sound, more accurate tonal quality, deeper bass, and more open s...