

Responses from millercarbon

Can you put a Krell in an apartment?
As you see I am a total "goner" living in a cheap apartment with about 50 grand in Audiophile equipment. I am looking at purchasing an old krell "FPB 400 CX" amp that the manufacturer says needs a dedicated 20 amp line. Can you still run this am... 
Sub advice needed
My concerns are: 1. timing issues with adding another speaker affecting imaging/soundstage etc. Not a problem. Human beings hear low bass frequencies so much differently than mid-bass and up that its simply not a concern at all. Subs can be plac... 
Audio hobby is like tasting wine.
2. Law of diminishing return apply to both audio and wine.100$ wine is not 10 times better than 10$ wine.One time out to dinner with some friends on a trip we had this one guy fancied himself a wine expert made a big deal asking the wine steward... 
Wait- OMG! The song is really about...?
"hurry down my chimney tonight;" anyone needs more than one guess as to what that means?Melanie's song about rollerskates and a "Brand New Key" is a little bit more subtle, but the same subject. Someone has a dirty mind.Next you'll be telling m... 
Night and day speaker connection
I've never understood why guys go for bi-wire in the first place. I mean yeah, they buy into the technical explanation. Duh. But then it seems they never bother go and listen and see if there's any there there. Which there isn't. As you just demon... 
Not too knowledgeable and a cartridge/ phono amp recommendation is desired
What I mean is if you go the phono stage option then you need an interconnect to connect it to your receiver.Here's the whole big picture. The phono stage both equalizes and amplifies the cartridge output. Right now you are using the Phono input a... 
Not too knowledgeable and a cartridge/ phono amp recommendation is desired
Honestly looking at the whole situation I think johnto has the best idea. If your budget was higher or if your time frame was shorter it might make more sense to go with the best phono stage you can, knowing it would only be with the receiver a sh... 
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
Yes but this is Wilson Audio. Anyone in the market for one of their monstrosities already is so full of money its long since backed up from the bank account to the wallet and clogged their brain function to Ridgemont High stoner level 7. To us nor... 
Kinergetics SW 800 Subwoofers
Woo-hoo! Six subs! Color me green with envy! I only have five!As far as the distributed bass array effect goes it has nothing to do with which subs. No matter what or how big or how powerful the key to them all is to create lots of different bass ... 
Stereo subwoofer cable or interconnect plus Y-cable?
Congratulations on using two subs. You are now half way and only need two more for state of the art bass.Having recently gone from one to five in a distributed bass array, which had me working through a lot of the same problems, I have some very g... 
time-aligned speakers: stepped fronts vs. sloping fronts
No, you got it right. Which of course the effects of this radiation pattern is just another in a whole long list of things they try and use to get the sound they want.The slope by the way is used so often because its a whole lot more cost-effectiv... 
Could this be one reason tubes (and perhaps records) sound better?
Not only is this not a new finding in hearing research, its also not a new finding at all, in fact it has long been known that human perception is improved by the addition of noise.Do a search for dither. Dither is noise added to a video signal th... 
A streaming setup that competes with my CD and turntable set up?
what would it take on a budget to get close to the sound quality that I'm getting currently? Define "close". Because it seems to me no amount of money is enough to get digital close to vinyl. But digital includes CD players, which you threw in ... 
Has anyone seen this? A really beautiful turntable
Yeah. There's even a pretty good review on it. Still, hard to see it as much more than a gimmick. Appearance is of course really important with turntables. But still.... 
Physical Media Rules Home theater!
They've been playing games with HD since even before the standards were developed. As originally conceived HD would have been a true legit audiophile and videophile format, with plenty of bandwidth dedicated to each. Until someone realized that wi...