

Responses from millercarbon

Shunyata Alpha NR "Settling In Process"?
I find Shunyata's are best with mixing with different Shunyata models. They definitely each have a different sound to them in my opinion. Right. And the reason they need to be mixed, they aren't really all that good. The list of sonic traits and c... 
Isolation Cones vs Cheap Cables
Millercarbon, what are you using as Round Things? I notice you have the the words capitalized. Is "Round Thing" a brand? My google of the term couldn't find anything specific to a brand. What are they and what additional purpose do they serve,... 
Shunyata Alpha NR "Settling In Process"?
The reality of break-in is if its good it will sound good right out of the box, and then proceed to sound better and better as time goes by. You should be happy from first listen, and proceed to deliriously happy over the next few days and weeks. ... 
Isolation Cones vs Cheap Cables
You've tried both, numerous times? Both BDR Mk3 and Mk4?Or neither? I think what you mean to say is you've tried lots of OTHER cones and fewer was better. Right? You just forgot to mention you were talking about something different, right? Just wa... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Interesting question. Makes me curious to know which of those fine products you think I might actually find worth a try? Seriously. Which one? 
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...
Past or present? I would work with Nicola Tesla. "We" would "invent" quantum tunneling, and make a fortune having cornered the directional audiophile cable market, which we would lose gambling in the desert waiting for the first CES to arrive.  
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Of course the Synergistic cable risers will work. Duh. Because 1: Synergistic and 2: ECT/HFT. Could probably just stick some ECT right on the cables. Why not? ECT works on everything else. After trying them on all kinds of things from my tone arm ... 
What is the reason for my speakers having an audible buzz?
Ground issue. You're gonna need to do a little trial and error tracking it down. It could be the interconnect. Or it could be the RCA connection itself, or somewhere inside the amp. It could even be things plugged into different outlets. Or maybe ... 
Isolation Cones vs Cheap Cables
millercarbon would throw all his BDR cones in the trash if he ever heard DH Cones which are about ten times harder than carbon fiber and five times better. Millercarbon is an excellent example of what happens when you get carried away with somethi... 
3 budget speaker cable choices
The positive I guess would be they are on your list. The negatives would be none are Synergistic Research.  
Subwoofer high-level connection question
Right. When I was researching this for my mod there were sub amp circuit diagrams and any time there was high level inputs then always the first thing was a 50k or whatever resistor. The safe thing from a manufacturers point of view is higher valu... 
Isolation Cones vs Cheap Cables
Anyway, can anyone offer some real world experiences of the two versions, the MK3 versus MK4 under different components? I have a tube integrated amp and phono stage ad VPI Classic Signature turntable. I’m not really worried about my DAC or CD pla... 
Isolation Cones vs Cheap Cables
malatu- I was looking reading about BDR cones and it seems like a lot of folks place three of them under a speaker instead of four. I’m going to purchase some and have to ask the question: Why three cones and not four? My floor standing speakers a... 
Subwoofer high-level connection question
Is it any kind of issue if the spades from the main speakers are touching the bare wire for the REL at the speaker terminal they are both connected to? Not a problem. And if you can spare a minute to learn a little electronics you will underst... 
Moving cables around killed dynamics for days anyone else experience this?
Informed. The word you were looking for. The History article about the gold standard is like all the others correct in the confiscation, the bank closures, and subsequent revaluation from $20.67 to $35. What it leaves out, what these sorts of arti...