millercarbon would throw all his BDR cones in the trash if he ever heard DH Cones which are about ten times harder than carbon fiber and five times better. Millercarbon is an excellent example of what happens when you get carried away with something. Before you know it you’ve got them under everything. I implore you, gentle readers, wouldn’t it be a lot more logical to explore all available cones before committing to one brand or type? 😬 I won’t even mention isolation. 😀
I don’t often respond to Captain Irrelevant because its such a waste of time. But every once in a while its nice to point out just why he earns the name Captain Irrelevant.
1) There’s no carbon fiber in BDR cones. Irrelevant.
2) Hardness. Irrelevant.
3) Explore "all"? Impossible.
4) Isolation. No such thing.
Still no system pics I see. If you would be kind enough geoffkait to hold your phone up to a mirror and take a pic to show everyone your system, then we can all decide for ourselves just who should be throwing what in the trash.