

Responses from millercarbon

Tried a new product to highly polished speaker surface
Years ago I laid my Talon Khorus down on their sides and used a random orbital to apply Griot's Machine 4 with the Orange pad. Followed with Best of Show wax. Well it is basically the same as auto paint. My Talon Roc sub was bought used and looked... 
what's your opinion on the magazine 'stereo review'??
I read Stereo Review for years and really learned a lot. Most of which unfortunately turned out to be wrong. At the time it seemed I was learning. Only years later did I come to understand just how great a disservice the Stereo Review philosophy h... 
How can I limit the volume on integrated amp
Used to be Radio Shack. But any electronics supply store should have them. Should be something like a pack of 5 for a dollar, something like that. Look on-line to figure out a value. I would think something around 100 to 1k ohm but that's just a w... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
Kinda rambling and disorganized, doncha think? I mean he wrote like five thousand words. Yet all he really said was we can't make up with reproduction what wasn't originally captured in the recording. Nor should we try.  Is that even news? 
What should I choose??
There's some good stuff out there for sure. But the truth is the better approach by far is to follow mahgister and me and tweak your system to the max. You can do it cheap with lots of home brew like mahgister or you can do it less cheap with diff... 
Emotiva not so good
_________________amps are good until you hear another brand in the same space. Fill in the blank. 
Help with Newforce ST 200
If it looks like a thin straight wire its fast. If it looks like a coiled spring, or anything other than a thin wire, its slow. 
These things all have menu settings where you tell it which way its going. So they can be used upside down or whatever. Yours probably is on rear projection and you want front. Search around the menu. Which unfortunately will probably be hard to n... 
What's the best isolation system?
Most people don’t know isolation is an art as much as a science. There is a wrong way and a right way to implement isolation, even passive isolation. If you could hear what I’ve heard with your ears. 🤗 Look at the sentence I added to my previo... 
How can I limit the volume on integrated amp
A resistor in line with the inputs will drop the input voltage as much as you want. The volume can then be turned up all the way and not be very loud. It won't hurt anything and if switched would enable you to turn it off and back to normal when y... 
What's the best isolation system?
So now its an offense even to make people aware of your website? http://www.machinadynamica.com/And the results of your "theories"? http://www.machinadynamica.com/machina24.htmI would think you would be proud of your work. I mean you do shill it h... 
JBL LX speakers
Are you sure? If you want good sound you could do a lot better. If you want period sound you could still probably do a lot better. I am very familiar with the JBL sound of the 70's having owned and been around a lot of them back then. If you want ... 
Less is more?
Right. The only box worth adding will have a phono stage inside. 
Cassettes still rock!
Right. There is something going on with analog tape that is magic even compared to vinyl. Its so good it works even at 1 7/8 ips. You should hear it at 15 ips.... or 30!Which, speaking of, its been a while. Hope maybe to rectify that soon.... 
What's the best isolation system?
What I don’t quite get is why GK doesn’t just come out and show us all his great ideas. So we can, you know, decide for ourselves. Is he being modest? Or is he hiding something? Here’s a thought- how about you decide? Here. Take a look. http://www...