

Responses from millercarbon

DIY power cable questions
If all you want is to get electricity from the wall to the component then go for it. But if sound quality is even a small concern then search around and buy something used. Whatever amount of money you plan on spending on DIY, spend it on somethin... 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
Mike (goes by oregon here) came by and heard the system last week. Here quoted in its entirety (and also on the System page) is his review:"From a recent visit"- that was me!I happened to be in the Seattle area, so I made contact with Chuck to see... 
Cartridge Damaged, need advise on getting new
Call Peter Ledermann at Soundsmith. First check out his site, read a few Soundsmith cart reviews, and watch a few videos of his to get a feel for it and understand just how much knowledge and experience and skill you are dealing with. Then give a ... 
Useful Information
Useful Information
Sarcasm. Clever. Maybe you are lonely too. Or if not no worries, keep on running around without a mask and you will be. 
Useful Information
Because go away all you who I disagree with, that’s not an opinion, oh no not me, I’m not opinionated, not at all. Arrogant. Closed minded. Selfish. Parochial. Ignorant. In abundance. But never opinionated. Surely not that.Say, just how small do y... 
Useful Information
Audiogon Insider: With less moderation than our public forums, the Insider™ forum allows users to discuss topics they might not otherwise be able to, with an elevated discourse.So "less" censored- but by the same people, so good luck with that. "W... 
Visiting audio stores?
If the spread of the disease isn't slowed down there will be more sick people than there are ventilators and providers.This is baked in. Do the math.Infections increase ten fold every 2 weeks. 1k becomes 100k in one month, 10M in two. Symptoms run... 
Useful Information
Just a thought here and no I am not being snarky or clever.Its doubtful anyone would ever accuse you of being clever. 
Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
If you like the looks, you should hear the sound. Thanks! 
A reappearance of Black Diamond Racing?
Yes it is amazing stuff. All the more amazing considering its been around over 20 years and still about the best, if not the very best, you can do in terms of a shelf.  
A reappearance of Black Diamond Racing?
Looks like a HUGE Source Shelf in one pic. A smaller one that looks rounded. And another normal Shelf. Plus a few Round Things with Cones.  
Useful Information
No. Our ideological IT overlords haven't quite got to that one, yet. But they are programmers, and to a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. 
Dedicated 20 amp line
Really? It made that big a difference. Who'd a thunk?https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 
What would you say is THE MOST important factor to good imaging?
What would you say is THE MOST important factor to good imaging?That’s easy. The speakers must be connected in phase.