

Responses from millercarbon

Tekton Double Impacts
The Tekton design principle is that in order to accurately reproduce the full range of timbral harmonics that are the hallmark of the various instruments the moving mass of the driver must be close to the moving mass of the instrument. A single bi... 
Diagnosing and fixing transformer hum
btw if that sounds like a lot, I took my panel apart all the way down to the bare bus bars. Those little brackets that screw into the copper bus bars? The ones the breakers clip onto? I removed all those, cleaned, and treated with TC. If I can do ... 
Diagnosing and fixing transformer hum
The house was built in 1941. Even light fittings seem to hum. Its really hard to find explanations of DC offset that don't make my eyes blur and head ache. Briefly it can be any fault in the electrical system- any connection from the panel to the ... 
How bad is this?
Sorry to hear. The local would have to be highly recommended and awfully good and a whole lot cheaper to be worth not sending it back to the maker. Emmanuel could probably fix in his sleep and with upgrades what anyone else would have to try and f... 
What would it take to our do my Audio Research PH3se.
I had my PH3SE since about '93 until the end of '18 when I sold it for the Herron VTPH2A. The Herron is not merely better, it is in a whole other realm. The ARC is indeed a fine phono stage. I spent a lot of time doing home auditions with a lot of... 
Technics Speakers Model SB 5000A questionregarding insulation
If it is, try and avoid spending the next 20 years with your head inside there. 
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts
Time out. A little logic:When someone says they can't hear a difference this is evidence that they can't hear a difference. It is not evidence that there is no difference. When someone says this or that can't explain why there should be a differen... 
Advice on setting VTA
andirocks-I've watched Fremer on an Analog Planet video use a USB camera to set SRA , he got it to 93 degrees said it was close enough and would have to fine tune by ear anyways....I don't see the need of the camera then..Right. That's the thing a... 
Record mishaps
You may need an adaptor for your spindle. 
Record mishaps
You should see my collection of Hustler 45's. 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
Focus on us in consumer land (albeit educated consumer) having a limited number of measures and assuming we can’t have or use more. Why didn't you say so in the first place then. So now the question is, why would we want more measurements?I mean, ... 
IM Distortion, Speakers and the Death of Science
Okay. I'll bite. What capacitor technology measurements should be improved? 
Advice on setting VTA
Visual setting, even with a microscope, is only getting you into the ballpark. Its plenty good enough and if your arm makes VTA setting a chore then eye ball it, relax and enjoy. If however your arm is designed for fine tuning, and especially if i... 
Orosonic/Monster Cable Reflex Record Clamp
I have always found the issue with record clamps to be is that they cannot apply pressure across the record evenly. They clamp the inside of the record just fine, but do very little for coupling the edges.Right. I tried a bunch of clamps and they ... 
Are 500 hours too many for a used hi-end cartridge?
Records must always be played on period correct cartridges. Playing mono records with stereo cartridges can result in severe damage or even death. Also never play any record with a cartridge that costs more than the record collection. While some h...