

Responses from millercarbon

Please help a newbie Choose, whats the best preamplifier for $1000 or less used
I like a warm musical sound signature and not analytic. I love the holographic thing and a good soundstage.So what are you doing with separates? You can't get anywhere near as good quality with separates as with an integrated amp. Certainly not at... 
Contest with reward
Beatles HELP! 
What to upgrade to?
The two things you're concerned with, turntable and speakers, are prime candidates for tweakery. Obvious choices to start with are Synergistic Research HFT, ECT, and PHT. Everything I am about to recommend, btw, will seem like it can't possibly ma... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
cleeds-The price for that smooth, even, neutral bass is that your bass will be monophonic. noble100-Even though all 4 subs are run in mono, the bass will still be perceived as stereo.Right. And thank you, Tim.The issue of is the bass stereo or not... 
What to upgrade to?
I have about 10k in a complete turntable and my speakers retailed for 12k about 5 years. Both I could live with in retirement and be quite happy. Congratulations! You have done it. Built a system you really enjoy. You should be proud of yourself.... 
Vibration Source?
All speakers vibrate. Its how they work. Can you narrow it down a little? 
Cross-talk and distortion, chief soundstage contributors...
Erik is 100% right .. it's the room.Um, hello??I'm focusing on the amplifier, alone... Again, the issue here are the fundamental (amplifier) qualities involved in soundstage. OP specifically indicated amplifier qualities involved in soundstage. Am... 
How to remove ground pin on power cable
Hey Jim! All the voltage in the 120V AC used in home audio returns to ground via circuit and chassis ground. The two wires coming in, one is hot the other is ground. So even with just two wires your component is grounded. This is the way all compo... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
Ieales wrote: " DBA proponents are not charlatans, but neither are they correct as the the ability it to produce time coherent bass. " Arrival time coherence in the bass region is not critical, but decay time coherence in the bass region is. The e... 
iPad directly into Amp - okay idea? or bad idea?
Yeah sure no problem. I do it all the time with my MacBook Pro. That's how I watch movies. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367For movies I set the MacBook on top of the CD, connect it with an adaptor, and enjoy. I use a separate HDMI adaptor... 
Music Playback
I can only dream of the day I have so many sublime choices for digital, uh, music. Which cell phone? I bet its an iPhone. Always wanted an iPhone. 
MC Cartridge Ideas
I will ask Soundsmoth, but would prefer something Japanese.Well then, I am truly happy with my Koetsu Black Goldline. The sound in my current system is to die for. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367Right in your budget range. Maybe even wel... 
Replace panel or add subpanel?
Run one line to the system. Everything system goes on that line. Run whatever else for lights, room outlets, etc. Whether you do a sub panel or not is irrelevant. Spend more money if you want. The one line for the system however needs to come as d... 
How to remove ground pin on power cable
What Erik said.Yeah. In know. But when he's right, he's right. Not that I would recommend electrical tape. Not when there's heat shrink. And if you're gonna use tape at all at least make it fo.Q tape.Still and all, credible.  
Are you a special snowflake?
So millercarbon I am curious to know which specific thread got you going? Sounds like it would be an entertaining read so what one was it?Right. Like it was one. We don't call them Mini-Mao's when its just one. They're all over the place.There is ...