

Responses from millercarbon

Hsu CCB-8...What Have I Done?
No but it doesn't matter. As long as you bought four you will be fine. All that time agonizing over which sub, when what really matters is how many. Oh well. Change Qty from 1 to 4 and done. 
Contest with reward
Okay, have to admit, Damn the Torpedoes is pretty good.So its down to that and the Beatles HELP! and James Horner, Titanic.HELP! with a life ring around it is of course musically and thematically unbeatable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help!  I ... 
Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer?
If you look up Chapter 27 in Robert Harley's Complete Guide to High End Audio you will find the section on how to determine appropriate component budget expenditures adjusted for life expectancy. Be sure to use the current edition as the actuarial... 
How to connect an equalizer to an integrated amp.
The absolute sound review makes that sound like one pretty nice little integrated amp. What you want to go ruin it with EQ for anyway? Ditch that and get on with it.But oh well. Got to learn somehow. Disconnect the jumpers, connect pre-out to the ... 
Cross-talk and distortion, chief soundstage contributors...
I am not of the opinion that the room accounts for the majority of the sound stage. It may be one component but that is only part of the equation.Right. Soundstaging is almost entirely having the speakers precisely symmetrical and in phase. Every... 
A Soundsmith Re-tip Believer
The sound? Dead quiet.This is because of one of Ledermann's design principles, reducing jitter by reducing mass and resonances in the stylus/cantilever/generator system. This is something he's discussed at length in videos and audio show seminars.... 
Contest with reward
James Horner, Titanic 
best power conditioners under 4k
Correct. Well said. Its one thing to upgrade when you have a component you just can't stand. But any time you are basically satisfied and just want a little more you can get that and then some with tweaks, and with a lot less short term risk and a... 
Magico vs the world
I have owned several pairs of Magico speakers. I loved their build quality and their clarity, speed and definition. I ultimately did not keep them in my system because I found I was just not listening for as long, in fact I would go many days if n... 
best power conditioners under 4k
Sorry. Didn't think it was relevant seeing as mine is custom but good point, OP may not have seen it yet. Here ya go.https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 
If this pandemic doesn't finally kill my cartridge, nothing will
The old ones with underlying health issues are always the first to go. Still, sounds like you have a good case for damages. I would join the class action. https://www.bermanlawgroup.com/practice-area/class-action/coronavirus-class-action 
Are big subwoofers viable for 2 channel music?
Maybe that's why the Tekton subs work so well. DBA stands for distributed bass array. DBA says nothing about what or where, only that the bass is distributed among many drivers in different locations. One of the early papers even discusses four su... 
Contest with reward
Driftwood Mac, Tug 
best power conditioners under 4k
The best power conditioner we know of isn't a power conditioner. At least not in the normal sense of the word. It doesn't filter. It unfilters. 
Cross-talk and distortion, chief soundstage contributors...
A more relevant amplifier characteristic is the ability to fully and believably render the complex harmonic structure of different instruments. When these are not done well then the instrument never does sound truly believable and so it is impossi...