

Responses from millercarbon

End of the World system
You may be the only two people left on Earth, but we all know there is no scenario where you will not have zombies. So plug your ears and don't forget the double-tap. 
Decent preamp
Any time budget matters you will find far more value in integrated amps than separates. This holds true at least until you get into the tens of thousands of dollars. Especially since what you could get for the Aragon plus what you would need to sp... 
Another Newbie, Another Help Thread
Evo 400, all the way. Excellent choice. Or another one- https://www.ravenaudio.com/product/osprey-mk3/If only you could hear my system, that would be the end of all your thoughts of having to go to separates. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8... 
Tweaks - An Honest Discussion
f1status1-Next on the list is vibration control. I’m on a suspended wood floor and it vibrates. I can feel my components vibrate and I’d like to address this area next.  Would you suggest plinths under the speakers? Feet or cone brand to try?So wh... 
Renewed Appreciation
Always a silver lining. More time to tweak. Been inside my speakers three times in the last two months, under the house four times, and lost count how many times I've opened the panel up for improvements. The payoff is the system sounds so good my... 
How important is Amplifier Continuous Power matching with Speakers nowadays?
Power rating on speakers is nothing more than a general guide to how much power the speaker can handle without burning out. It has nothing to do with how good the speaker sounds or even with what amplifiers it can be used with. Power rating on amp... 
Looking For Protractor For Well Tempered Reference Tone Arm
If you measure 230, and Wally says 233, that's pretty close, what's the problem? Even assuming perfection, its a pivoted arm. Its only tracking right at two points anyway. All the rest of the time its off, and most of the time by more than the dif... 
Anyone use Koetsu with Harbeth
Which model? 
Homemade sub used with Sonus Faber Olympica III
Is this because my homemade sub has a 1st order crossover No.and the Olympica IIIs have either a second or fourth order crossover No.meaning the sub is approximately 90 degrees out of phase to my main speakers? No.And if so, I assume I would essen... 
What does a tonearm contribute to the sound of a turntable?
Waddup with that?People gonna flip out Simao but I will tell you waddup widdat: azimuth is one of the biggest waste of time specs in all of turntable setup. I have yet to meet anyone who thinks its important who even knows what it is. What I mean ... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Sorry xcool, you are new and have no way of knowing the answer to every question is GIK. Even though you specifically want more bass, and everything GIK makes can only absorb bass and never enhance it, still the answer is GIK. Or EQ. Surprised he ... 
Homemade sub used with Sonus Faber Olympica III
Its because your "sub" isn't a sub its just another speaker. Its helping smooth response and I'm sure it is better, just not in a way you are expecting or listening for. The frequency response of a speaker is only partly due to the driver. A lot h... 
End of the World system
So here’s a question. You and your loved ones are the last one’s on earth. Your fully stocked with a cabin in the woods, renewable energy, and food for a life time. The roads are out, and there’s no place to get gas. The remains of a high-end stor... 
What's your process for comparing new gear, cables, etc.?
Listening covers a wide range of subjects and reasons. The only thing wider is the range of sonic characteristics we are able to hear. This goes well beyond easily measured things like the volume and frequency response so many obsess over, and int... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?Yes. But its a common enough misconception. So don't feel too bad about it.Manufacturers build to a price point. For every tiny litt...