

Responses from millercarbon

Can streamed Music sound better on a Sunday?
So my question is can audio that I stream on a Sunday sound better than the same music during the week? Is it possible that you get less bandwidth when things are busy during the week versus when there’s less traffic on a Sunday? That's an int... 
have you ever bought stereo without listening first
Interesting. In the beginning and for a good 10 to 15 years I was settled in the camp of buying only what you've heard- and preferably at home. I was convinced, especially in the beginning, that a lot of these technical design features really matt... 
Rhythmic or Hsu
To oversimplify, the DBA or   Audio Kinesis Swarm uses four subwoofers to cancel room modes. DBA stands for Distributed Bass Array. DBA is a method or approach, not a product. The Audiokinesis (all one word) Swarm is a subwoofer system based on th... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
No matter how I tried I couldn’t hear any difference between the stock and the expensive cable. You don’t have to try and convince me. I could tell from the beginning you weren’t any good at this. ;-)  
Is there such a thing as too much power?
I’ve never heard it, but it’s said, to reproduce the cannon shot in the 1812 Overture, an amp needs 700+ watts to reproduce it.I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say to reproduce a cannon shot you need a cannon- as otherwise in terms of power its... 
Rhythmic or Hsu
My house is full of subs, nothing matches. It's time to get coherent.I've got a Velodyne "12, Earthquake "15, two Vandersteens that I could never get to work, and two Epik "12 subs that were OK.It's time to get serious. Music only.Please help me s... 
Tonearm mount to the plinth vs arm board vs rotating arm board vs isolated tower
Of course there is a difference. For what you are doing though the most important considerations are flexibility and ease comparing several different arms. The best way to do this is with an arm board you can rotate to easily accommodate any lengt... 
Audiophiles and nostalgia,
I’ve had a 1979 Porsche 911SC for almost 30 years now. In the 90’s it was new enough and looked so close to a new 911 most people reacted to the car, and me, as they would a guy with a very exclusive expensive new car. Money clouds judgment. Flash... 
Phono stage hum - Rega Aria
With the tonearm NOT plugged into the phono stage, there's a hum.And when the tone arm IS plugged into the phono stage...... ? 
Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
Well said. Beautiful.  
Renaming The Forum
Hey I'm no fan of Pelosi either, but come on! 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
So what is it burns out speakers then? Don't quit your day job. 
Power Conditioners
Such as?BDR Cones, $20 ea. https://www.musicdirect.com/vibration-control/bdr-conesSynergistic Research PHT, ECT, HFT, Orange Fuse. These are all in the $200-400 range. All very effective. https://highend-electronics.com/products/synergistic-resear... 
To guard stylus or not?
Right. Even a really intelligently designed stylus guard like Soundsmith uses the fact is you get that close you don't have to be all that big a spaz to do some real damage. I keep mine handy and mount it any time I think the risk of a something c... 
Balanced Interconnect Recommendations
I don't recommend balanced. Its not anything wrong with them, I just see them as a poor use of resources. Not cost-effective. You can always in my experience get better results for less money with a good RCA. Which stands to reason. Balanced is a ...