

Responses from millercarbon

Religious music for less than devout
I'm not a big church goer but a friend said try City Church in Redmond and I went a couple times. First time the band came out to play I thought oh no here we go but then was really pleasantly surprised. Impressed, even. Quality musicianship, qual... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
Thanks for revealing your own political leanings. We don’t care! This ISN’T a political forum, it’s about stereo equipment and music. Let’s keep it that way.Right. So like I said this is the third time this same lame article has been posted as if ... 
AXPONA 2020 - Cancelled
Cancelled, eh? What a surprise. Who could have seen that one coming? 
interconnect suggestions
Cables matter just as much as every other component. This is very easy and obvious to demonstrate and prove. This does however require a fair amount of time and effort. Many find it a whole lot easier to opine than discover and learn. I know for a... 
Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post
Since your goal is to spend money then nothing, absolutely nothing, beats separates. With an integrated amp one thing like the Raven Reflection MkII will get you right to the very top, but will not even get you to $11k! https://www.ravenaudio.com/... 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
Part of the problem is a fringe group of very loud and obnoxious bullies have been lording it over everyone for so long now and it has gotten so blatant and awful that more and more people are rising up and standing athwart history and saying, "EN... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
What you’re hearing sounds right to me. Most important point is you notice it varies by recording. This is key. Recordings are not all recorded equal, mastered the same, pressings vary, and producers are all over the map when it comes to where the... 
Quick Compatibility Question
Yes, indeed it will! 
Religious music for less than devout
There was a time when religion was so revered by so many there was no higher achievement than to pay holy reverence to God almighty in as grand a scale as possible. All the best most productive people devoted their lives to it. Kind of like today ... 
Audiophile Albums....Yes indeed
Third one. Well it figures. NPC.Look if you have an extra $300 to $500 and want to hear some really good records a White Hot Stamper is totally the way to go.https://www.better-records.com/dept.aspx?dept_id=93That Times article is a joke by the way. 
12 years or 18 years?
Your a funny Kat! Toma Vodka is Spanish for 'drink vodka'. You inspired me make a Bloody Mary and I'm listening to U2 "Under a Blood Red Sky" .Great album, Cheers!Your Spanish vodka Bloody Mary inspired Spanish Mary.https://www.youtube.com/watch... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
rockysantoro:Who is this millercarbon dude? Is he some sort of expert on all things concerning hi-fidelity? What are his credentials?Same as yours. Credentials are a chimera. I mean that literally: a mythological, fire-breathing monster, commonly... 
Unusual(?) spade connection
The vast majority just plop em down. A few move them to where they look good. Almost no one knows there is an actual science and method to speaker placement. Normal first step is like you noticed, to move them around listening for the best/smoothe... 
Silver is the appropriate color for everything but speakers.
Judy Garland could not be reached for comment. 
12 years or 18 years?
tomavodka, I am familiar with Russian vodka, and have several outstanding examples in my liquor cabinet. Never heard of tomavodka. Please do not tell me its made with tomatoes....