

Responses from millercarbon

Gypsy Melodies
Like this?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgedurmhviE 
My Sonic Saga
If you like bass, your $2500 budget will buy you lifetime state of the art bass. Go to Parts Express, buy the Dayton SA-1000 sub amp, and four sub kits, all on sale now. Its what I did, and it was more than good enough for me. https://systems.audi... 
Perfect Path Total Contact no longer?
Might want to keep a pillow handy, so when they pass out and keel over from shock they don’t hit their head on the floor. As part of being a good host I mean, not that there’s anything in there worth saving. 
power cord directionality
If you have an argument that it does, by my guest.Share, share! 
My Demo results: I feel like I'm at a frustrating block in my speaker journey
These things tend to degenerate and keep going long after the OP has bailed, which at 5 days since his last post seems to have happened. On the off chance he hasn't, I notice he loved everything about the ML bookshelf speakers except for their lac... 
2 subwoofers to connect to Naim nova
There is no such thing as too much. There is however such a thing as too few. What you want is four. When using four they can be smaller, placement is a lot easier, and the resulting bass is so much smoother and real than two you will find it hard... 
XLR adaptor advice
Any advice/comment on using XLR/RCA adaptors?Don't. The others are right. XLR by the way are designed with professional use in mind and so incorporate all sorts of features that are of little to no use in the home. Don't put legs on a snake. 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
Lol! To explain, my post is so clear it doesn't need to be redone even in the face of this new information. 
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
There’s technical reasons it works and you can search around and read them all and decide for yourself how much of the Kool-ade you want to drink. If any. Because the fact is it works, and does sound better, at least sometimes. So what? The questi... 
Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?
Pretty sure that "electricity runs for miles.... then gets to the magical power cord..." is his sarcastic way of trying to say something without ever having to, you know, come out and say it. Since he's afraid, or more likely simply hasn't thought... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
Excellent answer by @millercarbon. dBA? A-weighted measurement?No not dB-A, DBA: Distributed Bass Array. Multiple subs asymmetrically distributed around the room.The XLO Test CD has a great imaging test track. Roger Skoff is talking in a bare room... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
That's Fletcher Munson equal loudness curves you're talking about. Duke has said pretty much the same thing. One consequence of this is its important when setting sub levels to do it at a level you care most about.  
Add cartridge to current lineup
You think there's some reason other than there's just so many of them out there? 
Silver is the appropriate color for everything but speakers.
It really is a great color.https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367#&gid=1&pid=8 
Odd length speaker cables
He claims that years ago he conducted double blind studies withI stop reading here. You know this is BS, so whatever comes next is PhD- piled higher and deeper.