

Responses from millercarbon

Is room treatment a science?
Actually trial and error is fast, cheap, and easy. Its what I did and highly recommended. Provided you do it the right way. Otherwise yes it can be incredibly expensive.Dweller nailed it on the slap echo. Here's how to do it methodically, cheap, a... 
If you had to start all over again in this day and age
If I were doing it all over again I would totally skip CD and all digital, as digital is a bottomless pit of wasted time and effort and money. I would also skip the phono stage and go straight to the strain gauge. That’s the big technology that wa... 
Feeling Tweaky
All the other power cords are what came with each component. Ouch. Huge room for improvement there. Synergistic Research Master Couplers, used, on everything. So my question to you all is, what tweaks have had the most positive impact on your own ... 
The Golden Age of Record Players is more like it. These were the years everyone played records. They got a lot better, sure. But almost all his examples are record players - changers, automatics, semi-autos- what people who don't know audio lump i... 
Dedicated 20 amp circuit - Electrician laughed!
A separate grounding electrode is legal per NEC 250.54Well that's a relief. but ultimately the separate electrode must be connected to the ground of the main service per NEC 250.4 (A)(5).So... the electrode that goes into the ground must be connec... 
Center speaker placement?
Sound travels approximately 1 foot per millisecond. So you are talking roughly a 1ms delay. Most ht processors allow adjustment in 1ms increments. If you even will notice. I agree above will be terrible. But then its all relative, and we are after... 
Power Cable Suggestions
I was using an analogy in my post: power cord is to amplifier as gas pump hose is to car! The most absurd and meaningless analogy I’ve read....power cord is to amplifier as gas pump hose is to car! In fairness I did give him the chance to remove o... 
Equipment Warm up, but What About Listener Warm up?
I was kidding earlier about warming my ears up with test tracks. Obviously. Everyone knows I use ear muffs. 
Wow an old album that rocked your world
Roxy Music - Avalon!Agreed. Somehow missed this one entirely when it was new. First heard Avalon only about a half a dozen years ago. Even then it was just on iPod. Now on euro vinyl on my system it is just mind-boggling good! Both in terms of sou... 
Eric Clapton Unplugged Horribly Mispressed
Interesting. So is it horribly mispressed? Or mislabeled?  
Equipment Warm up, but What About Listener Warm up?
The XLO Test and Burn-in CD has burn-in and demagnetizing tracks. If you listen to those a few minutes with headphones before a listening session your ears will be thoroughly warmed up. And demagnetized. 
Garrott vs Soundsmith
Soundsmith. Totally. Give Peter a call. After he gets done not selling you on it, buy it from him anyway.That's a joke, if you know how self-effacing and underselling Peter can be. 
Regretting Discarding My Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon T-Shirt--Anyone else?
When my parents passed we found some old clothes from the 70's. Even though they were like time capsule storage and brought back memories they were discarded because, well it turns out that half a century is hard on clothes even just sitting in a ... 
A Hypothetical Analogy Between Fake IDs and Audiology Tests
As nutty as this sounds, its actually a logical consequence of the way a lot of guys view audio. I'm not gonna name names but think about it. Think about all the guys who time and again come back to something just like this. They attack your heari... 
Rock concerts
Springsteen. When he came on his intensity level was so high I turned to my girl after 2 songs and said there’s no way he keeps this up. Two full hours later at the break he has not let up. Comes back plays another half an hour. Comes back encore ...