

Responses from millercarbon

Is room treatment a science?
So in the scientific view of acoustics we have a lot of different waves propagating back and forth across the room. Our scientific goal is to minimize the cancellations and reinforcements in order to hear the original signal as clear and undistort... 
Feeling Tweaky
See what I mean? 22k posts, doesn't even have a system.BDR was originally Black Diamond Racing. Founded by audiophile DJ Casser and originally making ultra-high end gear for America's Cup sailboats, DJ saw advantages in the inherent vibration damp... 
Recording during the 70's
You've inadvertantly muddled several different things together and drawn bad conclusions as a result.   The number one factor in sound quality is the talent of the recording engineer. Going from tube to solid state never was a factor because the b... 
Wally Malewicz's legacy lives on...Wallytractor
Back when Wally was around, if you bought his stuff instead of others you could at least tell yourself you were supporting him. Now that he's gone so is that one. I can see people wanting to cash in, but come on, a VTA gauge? Hard to see that as a... 
Feeling Tweaky
Millercarbon, I’ll be seeing how well these tweaks add up as you indicate they will, which does make sense from my limited experience so far. As this point I’m trying to prioritize which are the most productive. It’s a fun project to try and m... 
Feeling Tweaky
This oughta be good.  Or would be, if he would answer straight instead of cracking some lame joke. OP apparently hasn't read many of his 22k posts. Let me break it to you: he has no tweaks, because he has no system.  
Getting the most out of streamed video: Netflix and Plex (with NVIDIA Shield Pro?)
From my laptop I run L/R to my stereo, HDMI to my projector. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367Stereo is the most audiophile HT can be. Surround is more, not better.  
What should I do?
If it doesn't sound good right out of the box odds are it never will. That goes for everything. Even cartridges. You should be loving it from the first side. Then loving it even more after you've got it nicely dialed in with VTA and loading. Then ... 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
Why look for incremental when for $3k you can have quantum leap? Actually that is full retail. Net of selling what you have would cost next to nothing to transform your system to full tube glory. https://www.ravenaudio.com/product/blackhawk-mk3/ 
Feeling Tweaky
If these tweaks are additive as Millercarbon pointed out in another thread, this could be a fun ride.. You have no idea. Most of those who try tweaks at all will do one or two say that's nice and then they are done and go back to running the comp... 
Is room treatment a science?
Big problem. It’s not really science.Lol! Science. Clearly a stranger to you. Allow me to introduce you to the subject. Sound travels in waves. Like all waves when they encounter changes in density they reflect or refract. In other words sound bo... 
Replacement Fuses
Loudmouths and smartasses aren’t nearly as influential as they think. I was on the fence about fuses for a long time not because of their brainless backwardness but because it just seemed too unlikely any single inch of wire could matter all that ... 
Shunyata or LessLoss Speaker Cables ?
Its not about the system. Its about you. What are your priorities? Liquid deep wide and dynamic, technical hifi in your face, or somewhere in between? 
Subwoofers - Front Firing or Down Firing - Which Sounds Best?
I think you will probably find every sub added brings improvement. My initial plan when building my DBA was to sell my Talon Roc to offset the cost of the four DBA. So when the subs went in the Talon went out of the room. The four were amazing! Bu... 
Power Cable Suggestions
Oh how I wish it were only a couple thousand. To buy a Tesla- first you have to be so blind you can't see how none of the parts even fit together properly. Then you have to be so gullible you think they're charged by fairy dust instead of coal. It...