

Responses from millercarbon

Room Acoustics With Vaulted Ceiling
Here’s the thing about questions like yours: nobody knows. But everyone has an opinion. One for sure will be to pay GIK. ES coming in three, two, one....What you or anyone else anticipates is a monster waste of time. When you have my level of expe... 
$7000 preamp vs $700 receiver - Is the difference THAT significant?
You have an AVR. Any AVR, does not matter. Could have one ten times the cost. Does not matter. Compare it to any good integrated amp. Don't have to go to separates. Not even. Don't have to go to the very best integrateds either. Throw a dart, pick... 
Which phonostage should I choose (or would you choose)?
In your price range, Herron VTPH2A. Best balance of low noise tubey magic with neutral perfection, reliability and customer service. For many of us its a lifetime buy, the one thing we know to no longer waste time trying to improve upon. To be abl... 
SQ! - avr vs high end stereo preamp, who wins SQ challenge? And why
These people are being nice. My specialty is brutal honesty: The AVR is the absolute bottom of the audiophile food chain. They are crap. Pure crap. Every single one of them. Regardless of price.  Now with that out of the way let me explain exactly... 
Odd problem with TT setup...
Is it more of a pop or a knock? If the bearings got worn/damaged/out of adjustment enough then when the energy from the kick drum gets there it bounces out of contact and when it comes back would knock, like I guess you would call this bearing cha... 
Need cartridge advice
I have a Koetsu Goldline Black. Almost went for the Rosewood but someone familiar said the Black was awfully close. Whatever. Point is my Black is good enough I don't know what there'd be to replace it with for $1700. In other words even though th... 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
At 10! Holy crap! All I could do at 10 was drool over dad's copy of Whipped Cream and Other Delights https://985thejewel.com/2019/09/12/meet-the-whipped-cream-lady-from-one-of-the-most-iconic-album-cov...Well okay drool may not be quite accurate b... 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
Great question! Wish I could remember! First one I can remember clearly and for sure - and still have that copy - was Goodbye Yellow Brick Road. Being a double album it was pretty expensive for a kid with a paper route and so I had to wait for Chr... 
If you were a Castaway on the BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs what music would you have?
Liking some music or people is one thing, marrying her and living without end with them is i am afraid a completely different matter ...And now you know why it is that we don't live forever. It would be intolerable. 
What rock song sounds the best on your system...
geof: I have to agree with MC on the Joshua Tree comment. Sounds fantastic on my system. The vinyl just kills it! Thank you. Same goes for Tom Petty, Don't Come Around Here No More. Every track on Southern Accents is awesome but that one is jus... 
Speaker crossovers
When it gets to where guys who know less than kenjit are building them you can be pretty sure the open baffle fad has just about run its course. 
If you were a Castaway on the BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs what music would you have?
Right. Not fooling anyone. Everyone knows its Mary Ann, all the way. 
What component to upgrade next?
Looking to improve the overall quality of the listening experience - soundstage, sense of space, etc.You would be shocked at the degree to which you can improve these things for $5k with:Synergistic Orange fuses, HFT, ECT, and PHT. You could do f... 
Benefit of shielded ac wire? Any downside?
In-wall or power cord? What are you talking about? Of course there is a downside. 
Power Amp
Tube life is unpredictable enough that its understandable to be told 4 months is the tubes. But only if its a time or two. In normal use, couple hours a day, tubes should last a few years. More use, higher volume, less tube life. To get it down to...