

Responses from millercarbon

Underrated: Synergistic Research (vastly, unbelievably underrated) Tekton Townshend Overrated: Wilson    REL  
"Musical" subwoofers? Advice please on comparing JL subs
The $3500 you are planning to spend on one sub alone will buy you four subs that will together far outperform anything you can get from any one sub at any price. Sorry the other boob got here first. Really. Because you want to do this right you ne... 
An audio rack that really does make a difference.
It didn't make a huge difference? I think you meant to say it made a huge difference. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8565 If this is your system then I can see how that would be the case. A lot of flat surfaces about the same distance and he... 
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group?
McIntosh fuse changeout to make better sound
Is fuse directionality audibly discernible as well ?Yes. With some like Synergistic the difference is surprisingly obvious.But, as with so many other things, only if you listen for it.  
Why do some think "music" (not gear, trading, etc.) is the ultimate end?
That book (Zen, etc) was popular around the time I was in college. Between the motorcycle angle and philosophy it seemed a natural for me, yet I never could get into it. Sometimes with time and experience things change and you find new meaning. Bu... 
New Synergistic Research Record Mat
I can understand and even respect people who say they have tried something and don't think its worth it, or they prefer something else, or even if they say its pure crap, because that's their prerogative and they have every right to tell us all ab... 
pre-amps for home theatre....whats your preference?
millercarbon has forever been on a crusade to kill multi-channel home theater. It's pretty much like a broken record.And everyone else is on a crusade to buy buy buy more more more. Strangely enough when one after another says the answer is more ... 
It's the stylus...
Stylus compliance. Interesting. Never even knew there was any. Coulda sworn the stylus was incredibly rigidly attached to the cantilever. Learn something new every day,. 
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group?
Nobody ever will get it I guess. A group is a bunch is more than one. A band is whatever holds them together. Band of brothers. Not group. Band. What holds them together? A bond. What bond? Brotherhood. Band and bond are similar. Band and group no... 
Tekton Electron SE
People wonder why the hatred for tekton speakers. I have moabs. In my opinion people who say they have heard them and don't like them have either not really heard them or let their bias get in the way. Some of them i think are angry that they wast... 
What if any, is the difference between a band or a group?
More than one topping. 
Power Conditioners
Okay high-amp you asked so I will tell you how it is. There is no such thing as "power conditioners". At least not in the way you mean it. A power conditioner is not some generic fungible commodity like corn or crude oil. Although come to think of... 
music: religious experience or background noise?
Sadly, I agree. But I think that audiophiles are an exception. For most people, music is "background"; something not to be paid much direct attention to while one is doing something else. Even dance music fits this model, more or less. But audioph... 
It's the stylus...
The gears were whirling away, pretty much had a full page constructed and ready to go totally tearing this stylus canard apart when suddenly I do absolutely realize that having something crappy anywhere down the line will throw everything off and ...