

Responses from millercarbon

Tekton Electron SE
In that case we would say he is hypothetical. I’ve been eyeballing some Electron SEs myself. Would a Musical Fidelity M2si have enough for them? Easily.  
Threshold SA/1
Shipping is shipping. You pays your money.... Double-pack, with at least 1" styrofoam between inner and outer cartons. Plaster the outside with GLASS and FRAGILE and HIGH END FURNITURE. There are also SHOCK DAMAGE units, little plastic stick-ons... 
Dedicated line questions...
Back in the day, early 1990's, when wire was a lot cheaper than today (and I knew a lot less than I know now) I ran mine like this only with even more overkill, 4 ga wire. Which probably equates to 80A. Don't know. Don't want to know! lol!   Point... 
Single Track that's worth the price of Admission
There was an old Englishman fuzztone who was asked if he knew the way to Lower Tuttenham. The old man thought a minute, scratched his beard, and said, "Well sir, I do know where it is. But if I was you I wouldn't start from here." 
Single Track that's worth the price of Admission
Not at all. But do those versions include Born in Time? 
DCM speakers for my Yamaha receiver... help me decide!
Are you ready for this? None of those specs are relevant! What you want to know is will you have enough power? To answer that you need to know one thing: speaker sensitivity. What you want is 92dB/watt or higher. Sometimes listed as 2.83 volts ins... 
Thoughts on Magnetically-Shielded Cables?
Try it and see. Just try not to get caught up in the stories about why. Because I can tell you, with more examples than you would even believe, how many times the really good stories turned out to be completely wrong. By stories I mean pretty much... 
Tube Amp soundstage
Okay so here we go again, only mercifully for the last time. You are now down to admitting, "if designed that way." Reminding me once again what a good idea it was to create the Hateful 18 list to keep track of which people are worth engaging wi... 
Tube Amp soundstage
Its not a game. You took my perfectly correct post, ran it through your cuisinart and turned it completely around then want to pretend its me. I never said anything about designers being mindful or otherwise. Designers never came up in my post at ... 
Are there speakers with cloth/soft enclosures instead of wood?
Q: What is the sound of one hand clapping?   A: Depends how fast. 
Dedicated line questions...
20A is indeed what you want. How this "rectifies" with 15A components is simple. A is for amps, is for current. In the case of the dedicated line 20A is the maximum safe steady state current draw on that line. It does not mean forcing 20A into eve... 
Tube Amp soundstage
My bias? Okay, explain to me then how any amp, solid state or otherwise, can be "mindful"? 
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
I think my old Krell FPB 400CX will power the F208's with 400 wpc in to 8 ohms, 800 into 4, 1600 into 2. I have ordered f208's. they are coming this week.Bear in mind one tube watt equals about three to five or more solid state watts. Turns out... 
Single Track that's worth the price of Admission
Jennifer Warnes, The Well, the limited edition 45 has extra tracks the last of which is Born in Time. What a voice. What a recording. Worth it all right there. Especially since, far as I can tell, its only on the 45 LP.  
REVEL performa3 f208 or TEKTON Moab
Millercarbon I would have to bring the Krell in tow to hear your Moabs as I would be crying hearing your wimpy 50 wpc tube integrated choke out at the music and listening levels I listen to. Them's fightin’ words.Cue MC... Any time. Put up or shu...