

Responses from millercarbon

solid state power amps
Transformers have no moving parts but they do have alternating magnetic fields due to the alternating AC current and so they can vibrate. Its usually small and silent when the alternations are balanced but even a tiny little bit of DC offset can m... 
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
This is like asking what is my favorite Porsche. Two answers. The best one is, "The one I’m driving" but "the newest one" will do just fine too. The newest one for me is TDF, aka Rustoleum, aka Tetrault’s Secret Sauce. Second newest is Schumann re... 
What Was Your Favorite “Game Changer” Moment?
Good one. But you should hear the one he will have come out with in 2125.   
Merry Christmas! 
A/B testing of RCA interconnects using Y splitter- Thoughts?
That's exactly A/B switching. You must have that confused with ABX, where each button push changes but you don't know to what- A to B, B to A, or no change which is X. Waste of time since the whole point of my story is that differences are so larg... 
Amp-preamp mismatch?? result higher volume. What is rthe cause??
Its not a mismatch, nor is it a problem. Few things in audio are as irrelevant as the position of the volume knob. Unless for some odd reason you think it matters. Like this guy-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xgx4k83zzc 
Has anyone else had issues with the reissue of Eric Clapton's Unplugged Album
No, I did not even know it was possible for a tick to be so bad I would prefer an hour of digititis to it.  
More questions on power strips and cables
If that blog is anything like the sub article my impression is that's time you will never get back. If anything in there gave you the impression you can buy based on construction then not only will you never get that time back but it actually set ... 
A vote for amber LED lights on components over blue lights.
Blah blah blah. Blue Tack. Perfect solution. Anybody tried it? No? No. Of course not. That would be constructive, learning, getting somewhere. That we must avoid at all costs. Come here to mindlessly blather, we do. That is the level of the crowd ... 
Roll of subs in soundstage?
Mine are on springs. They rock. Not roll. Just like with the homophone you are so close, and yet so far away. Instead of changing subs try adding. Smooth fast articulate and deep bass is the key to believably reproducing the sense of scale of larg... 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
Another thing you know nothing about, being short of breath. I was there. Remember? Nine days in hospital. 7 to 9 liters O2. No sealed tent, you are living in fantasy land. Joking about being intubated only shows just how depraved you really are. ... 
pre-amps for home theatre....whats your preference?
Shure it will. 
A vote for amber LED lights on components over blue lights.
Yeah Tim but by now you must know the level of this crowd. I'm surprised they aren't all "you need room lighting correction" and "hire a lighting consultant" and "can anyone recommend a professional in the Phoenix area to come set up the lighting ... 
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
There is no pandemic, unless you want to talk about superstitious obedience to communist talking points. There is no pandemic, because there are no excess deaths. These are not talking points. These are the facts.  Excess deaths are just what it s... 
Noise Goblin
OMG your system is not dead silent? You can hear a noise when you turn the volume up? Send it back its defective. Either that, or normal. All depends on how much you have to turn up the volume and how easy or hard it is to hear. If you crank the v...