

Responses from millercarbon

Vinyl headache from hell!!!
Left is inside, the groove wall on your left facing the turntable. So when we have L channel tracking problems we think maybe too much anti-skate. Dial it back and try again. How did you set it? If there is a gauge, the correct setting is where it... 
Super new to record players
You need a new cartridge. Probably MM. Easier to get good results with a MM. But which one, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for one of the guys here who know. There are some really good budget cartridges that will make a huge difference for you. Th... 
Super new to record players
Stylist? I'm partial to Gene Juarez. Sorry. Shouldn't beat up on the new guy. You can buy more Stylast on Music Direct. Sorry, sorry! Couldn't resist! The stylus is the teeny tiny little point at the end of a little straight thing called the canti... 
The guru on fuses:
Always amazed how different people are able to see or read the same thing and come to completely different conclusions. Here's what caught my eye: Of course, this is almost impossible to measure statically. Once you put a resistive load on and a c... 
Speakers behind wall of TVs?? What the ...?
Tell your nut job friend his best bet is headphones. HD600. Can't be beat with any speakers in that situation. Ten to one.  
General question on Carbon fiber tonearms versus aluminum
First post from testpilot gets it right. Carbon fiber done right will beat aluminum done right. The inherent vibration control properties of carbon fiber are simply superior. The key however is to do it right. Carbon fiber fabrication has been aro... 
The best TT system for under 30K
Path to my upgrade:- Turntables first and foremost. If result by adding quality TT alone can compare or beat the (my) reference system I auditioned at the dealer then I will stop here, otherwise continue to below steps in order;I like this plan, a... 
Cartridge for VPI TT with JMW 9 tonearm
Your arm and table are irrelevant. What matters is your phono stage and ears. Select a cartridge with enough output to work well with your stage. MM or MC is irrelevant, as long as the output is there. Do NOT use this criteria to select the cartri... 
Best temperature for optimum tube performance
Okay so look, all these replies and only ONE (mine!) actually addresses the OPs question: Is there an optimum temperature range in which tubes perform best? No one else attempted so much as to even consider this question! Only me! And with the onl... 
Reference Recordings
I kind of know what you're talking about. RR were always quiet, quality vinyl but a little polite, almost like they were stepped on. Not unlike a lot of MoFi reissues.  Then the last year or so my system got so much better, and when I play those s... 
Painted Wall As A Home Theater Screen vs Traditional Screen Fabric
My first projector was originally used on the wall. It works just fine. Because of the way the eye perceives color, unless you choose some outlandish paint color it turns out the color of the wall beyond and around the screen area has a bigger eff... 
Did Nixon Erase My Tape?
So basically, no one knows about Watergate. But everyone knows about the TV show. Bread and circuses. 
Critical subwoofer tip
I assume that everyone already knows the importance of phase matching a sub to the main speakers Um, no. Not at all. Physical impossibility. Neural impossibility too. Absolutely positively zero chance this is important at all. None. Flies in the f... 
Vexing Problem
my wife liked the vinyl the best, as did ISituation normal then. 
Tara labs burn in
Thank you millercarbon. I beleive that issue you mention with faulty components coverying other faulty ones. But in my case, I was using one power cable transparent audio mm2x on my phono with very good bass.I changed to the taralabs power cab...