

Responses from millercarbon

Is this still as important?
Was it ever? I’m old enough to have been around and shopping for my first stereo back before any of these regulations existed. We had reading and writing even before the internet, shocking I know, and so there was all kinds of information. It was... 
Optimizing HT setup for Analog: Where to begin?
Right. AVR is crap. All of them. That and the center channel speaker, plus whatever else you have in the middle, these are all death to imaging and stage depth. The good news is a good stereo integrated amp and two speakers is way better quality f... 
FTC may end amplifier rule! ACTION NEEDED
Because as we all know the only reason anything works is government regulation. He said with the most extreme imaginable sarcasm. 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
Sweet. Why you been hiding? (I can imagine.) Thanks for posting. And thanks for the link! 
YOU MUST audition Kerr Acoustic Speakers
Any relation to the Kerr canning jars? 
Does room temperature affect your sound?
I know Texas is different in a lot of ways, but do you really not have a thermostat? 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
A common thing posted all over the site is something along the lines of only one in 20 copies is Hot Stamper quality. This is probably true for Tom. Based on my experience however it is probably more like one in 100.  Tom Port does not personally ... 
Do you let the turntable spin when putting down record and attach the clamp.
Is there a difference between turning it off, stopping the motor, and stopping it spinning? On mine that is three different things. I could stop the platter spinning without stopping the motor, let the platter spin with the motor off, turn the who... 
Question on VTF (What should i adjust it to?)
What is the reason for having a recommended VTF in the first place? It is because up inside the cartridge at the other end of the cantilever is where the signal is generated. In a MC it is coils moving within a magnetic field. In a MM it is the r... 
older speaker designs
They are 88dB so no worries, couple hundred watts and you will be okay. 
Why is there so much separation between the professional audio and audiophile worlds?
There's a guy sitting on a swivel office chair with a 156-channel mixing console 5 feet deep by 30 feet long and a computer monitor in front of him, and the geniuses at Stereophile wonder why there isn't more in common with the audiophile with 2 c... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
Whart raises a good point and something I had to think about a lot. Stereo Review used to have this standard format for music reviews where they would rate the recording and the performance. The recording being the record/playback part of how it s... 
1 song you never get sick of?
 Lobo: me and you and a dog named Boo. I got sick all over again just reading that. Funny story. That song came out in March 1971. That summer I am 14 years old when some distant relative or other I never met before comes and stays with us for a ... 
Hum Help
Welcome to the fun and mystery of analog. These kinds of things can be super simple, or infuriatingly difficult to track down. The underlying problem is phono gain is so high, 40dB to 60dB, that tiny amounts of noise you would never notice with a ... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
Having never heard a Hot Stamper, I would say that, yes, this is excessive. However, I may change my mind once I do hear one. That's the idea. That is why they have a no-questions 100% money back guarantee.My first was Fleetwood Mac Rumours. Alrea...