Responses from millercarbon
Snake oil?? Tim Mrock developed an amazing product called Total Contact. TC as we call it was one of the greatest most high value audiophile products of all time. To call it a contact enhancer, technically okay yes it is. But TC is so much more. Can't hardly ... | |
2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons Everybody has bought into the same BS. Even Duke, yes Audiokinesis, told me buy the 8 ohm Moab. One small thing however. Pay attention please! I said well, Eric recommends the 4 ohm version, says it sounds better. And Duke said, (are you paying a... | |
What do I need to spend coming from an all-vinyl setup? iPod. | |
A strange business model for audio Your handy tell them apart reference:Ricardo Montalban Ric Ricardo it is kinda hard to tell Danny Ric and Ricky Ricard... | |
Raise your acoustic panels or die For most of us, devastating anguish, despair, endless self-recriminations.For Erik, frustrating. GIK placement on the other hand, now that's a big deal. | |
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW. larsman, You got just about the last VTPH2A that will ever be made. Keith told me last week he is down to parts for the last two. He won’t be ordering parts to build more, said the price increase would be "astronomical". You have to know how under... | |
mass loading speakers Springs absolutely must be tuned to the load. The beauty of Nobsound, they can be adjusted to carry a wide range of loads simply by removing springs to get to the right sound you want. You can hear the sound change as you do this. Also they are di... | |
mass loading speakers Any speaker can be mass loaded. I put a BDR Shelf on top of my Moabs. Anything that adds mass is mass loading. Anything you put inside will not only add mass, it will also take up volume, which will change the resonant character of the speaker. M... | |
Is louder better? Is louder better? Search "Equal Loudness Contour". We don’t hear everything equally well at all frequencies. Really low bass and really high treble have to be fairly loud to hear well. This is why the Loudness switch used to be so common. At low l... | |
2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons Also told me to order 8ohm. Again, I don't know if my amplifier is happy or not. Even if it had feelings, which it does not, I could not possibly care. It's job is to make me happy. If you think your job is to make your amplifier happy by all mean... | |
I just finished my new listening room... Twin Peaks was actually Mt Si, just east of me, and yes this was once a popular TV series, the best most twisted episodes direct by Lynch himself. | |
From the Batmobile to highend electronics @millercarbonEcoutes moi bien mon ostie de niaiseux , tu ne viens plus sur mes discussions . Sinon l’histoire que je vais compter sur toi , mon petit christ de farfadet farfelu , tu vas t’en souvenir longtempsMe modre. | |
Warning: jdane-Glad to hear that so many audiophiles apparently do not own cars, don't have cell phones, don't feed their dogs, never eat anything but wheat and beef, don't read printed books, and believe the phrase "packed for [some sh*tcan town in the US... | |
Cables ... no longer opinion There are people here so whack that if you say the sun rises in the east they will say you use tanning lotion therefore you lie. This is for them irrefutable logic, which if you argue makes you a shill. I wouldn't mind so much, as this kind of "th... | |
Warning: Some years ago I had a Jungson amp. Defective, in-warranty, they sent two guys out to see for themselves what it was doing. Instead of replacing it like they said they would do they promised to send one, left, and from then on refused all phone ca... |