

Responses from millercarbon

2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons
What puzzles me is the obsession with impedance. When the speakers are 98dB sensitivity, how much current can it possibly take??! Also if you do want to talk impedance, try listening to Eric. Learn that low impedance is actually desirable and yiel... 
Looking for my Final Pair!!
roxy54- However, 3 weeks ago, I finally bought a set of the Townshend ribbon supertweeters, and I have to say that they are as good as I had heard that they are. Always good to hear from experienced audiophiles who actually listen and know what... 
V=IR  W=VA   
Dream Speakers = landed. Now I need to feed them!
You’re on a tight budget. You already have an amp. Granted it is a receiver, the second lowest rung in audio (at least it is stereo, the absolute lowest is AVR) but as you say it sounds amazing. You will definitely get better sound from a better i... 
Hybrid Integrated Amps
I tried a hybrid. But the minute you lift the darn thing goes into regen and the rocking back and forth was killing me. Apparently only Porsche has figured out that when we lift we want to coast, not brake. We brake when we want to brake. Duh. Wha... 
Is this an right time to buy hifi?
Nobody gets it. Look. The world is approaching the end of a giant fiat money Ponzi scheme. Every nation on Earth, every central bank, pretty much every single individual, is up to their eyeballs in debt. So much debt that even with interest rates ... 
Output / Input Voltage Question
I really do hope you're getting all this.   https://youtu.be/pkOYrQ3QhRI?t=605 
Output / Input Voltage Question
But as usual the self proclaimed Guru of high end audio likes to show his wit with a ridiculous answer to the problem that the OP is having! For the record, it is you - and others! - who have proclaimed me guru. I have never done so myself. Don'... 
How would you prioirtize?
this is at the cost of a Broad Soundstage. The cost is too high. Especially considering you can have it all. 
Azimuth "recording"
Hmm, could have sworn the OP said he clearly heard a difference, knows what he wants, and is just looking for a way to mark or reference to be able to easily return to that azimuth when swapping carts. That's it, right?    I mean, he did say "for ... 
Warning: China-Hifi-Audio.com
I am shocked, shocked, to hear of problems with China. 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
Yeah, I was thinking Kenny G might be pushing it. 
One Cord To Rule Them All
lostinseattle@millercarbonFollowing your logic, perhaps the OP should buy another regenerator to deliver power to his other regenerator.  Heck, maybe shove a third one in there, just to be safe. Logic is right. Rock solid air tight logic. Which... 
Ready, set, comment! Speaker cables don’t make a difference?
Yeah. And did you read the comments? ;) 
Yemimamall anyone?
No idea. But the same springs are sold in several different versions. I have upgraded to Townshend but originally used these from Nobsound https://www.amazon.com/Nobsound-Aluminum-Speakers-Isolation-Amplifiers/dp/B07K9ZYP84/ref=pd_lpo_23_t... Chec...