

Responses from millercarbon

Output / Input Voltage Question
Beware audiophile tech talk, they will screw you up every time! Basically what happens, they will have you going round and round with a whole lot of stuff that is pretty much irrelevant. Not totally, and that is where they get you. Because every o... 
How would you prioirtize?
My bad- too late to edit, don't want to remove a whole post, but I screwed up, the Herron does NOT use an op-amp! The MC stage uses FETs that are arranged in a unique triode mode.  
Dallas or Texas-based audio companies
Townshend Podiums. Seismic Podiums I guess they are called officially. What I use. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Tried a lot of other stuff, nothing even comes close. Equivalent to a significant component upgrade. One guy, might have b... 
Gato speakers
When have you ever heard Steve Gutenberg give a review that was not very positive? 
Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium Platform Review:
Wow that is one impressive fantasy you got going there! Internal resonances are internal resonances, distinctly different than ringing, which is just a fact and not anything to do with how I like to put it. Actually for the record the ringing des... 
Dallas or Texas-based audio companies
Why would I put the Moab on podiums?For the same reason you would put any speaker on Podiums: they sound even better! Not that it's necessary. I was seriously impressed with mine right out of the box.   From what I am able to gather, Moabs are cl... 
Output / Input Voltage Question
Can't go past 40% volume without being way too loud. Why didn't you say so? All this voltage stuff is irrelevant. Your problem is you think that where the volume knob is pointed means anything at all. Relax. Where the volume knob is pointed means... 
Gripped By Upgrade Fever
missioncoonery- Comments from actual listeners. Read em and weep:   The imaging was so good that I felt like the vocalist was performing right in front of me and that I could reach out and touch them.   My listening impression was all the det... 
Jazz listening: Is it about the music? Or is it about the sound?
I like all the great masters of jazz- not just Kenny G but Chuck Mangione and of course the King of them all, Zamfir. 
Dallas or Texas-based audio companies
@millercarbon yep I agree. I'm selling stuff off to pay for either the Double Impact SE with Beryllium tweeter or Moab. The few reliable guys who have heard both say going to Moab is worth it. Sure looks that way to me. Fundamentally the same l... 
One Cord To Rule Them All
Right. It does help to understand where people are coming from. It also helps to try and understand what the heck they are saying. Lost wrote a long one, that someone thinks is good, in spite of the fact the whole thing has already been answered. ... 
Raven Audio Nighthawk
I was pretty close to getting one of these last year and so was digging into it pretty good until finally thought let's wait and see and maybe go Reflection. Anyway, can't remember the source if it was from their website, owner's manual (read them... 
Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium Platform Review:
Awesome.Thank you, Oz 
How would you prioirtize?
Slow and steady, my kind of man. What you are talking about is pretty much what I have been doing off and on since like forever. But especially the last ten years or so. One or two great components a year and after a while.... https://systems.audi... 
Better Records White Hot Stampers: Now the Story Can Be Told!
Tom had Aqualung last year, a copy he raved about saying it was so good he needed another category above White Hot. Went on and on describing in detail making it sound so awesome I was tempted to fork over the astronomical $600 or whatever it was ...