
Responses from mikelavigne

Transparent MM2
Khrys,i have done frequent comparisons with other cables over the years; i have 3 sets of Valhalla interconnects in my system for a 'control' on the Opus interconnects to judge what the MM2 does to alter that equation. i don't have a similar 'cont... 
Transparent MM2
i've sent my Transparent Audio Opus MM 12' speaker cables and Opus MM 1.5m RCA interconnects to Transparent for upgrade to MM2. i should have them back late next week. 
LP Sound Quality
hi Giglr,i just noticed you use a tall Salamander rack. you might consider doing an isolation shelf of some sort under the turntable as your rack is likely causing at least some blurring of the sound. it should be easy to experiment putting variou... 
Anyone heard the Nordost Odin cables ?
Twice at shows.....during the hour long Nordost demo.mindblowing! i was very much amazed at the level of increase in information i heard with the change of one interconnect from Valhalla to Odin (the rest of the system was already Odin).i've owned... 
Grand Prix Audio Monaco Turntable
while belt driven tt's have theoretical limitations in speed stability as always it's the execution of a design that is paramount. there are some great belt driven tt's that do speed very well. it's just that the very best direct drive tt's do it ... 
Grand Prix Audio Monaco Turntable
when both speed accuracy and stability is achieved to a high degree the music attains a solidity and tonal integrity which must be heard to be appreciated. my Rockport System III Sirius direct drive motor......"yields speed accuracies on the order... 
an amp without "electronic" sound
when i was ready to go from solid state to tubes 7 years ago i found that i preferred OTL tubed amps as they seemed to have the linearity of solid state while also having the 'breath of life' of tubes. also; they were not rolled off top and bottom... 
How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?
i've been getting into RTR since last summer.....when i subscribed to 'The Tape Project'. so far i have a stock Technics RS-1500 and a refurbed Ampex ATR-102 in my room. I have also purchased a Studer A-820, which is being updated and 'gone thru' ... 
How to clean the tiny holes of air bearing tonearm
the first thing i would do is to figure out what is plugging them up. if it's just a bit of dust buildup then it can easily be wiped off. i use Acetone for my Rockport Sirius III tonearm to clean the bearing surfaces as it leaves no residue. denat... 
Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now
i would not relate stealing music to Robin Hood (there is no higher moral ground to stand on)......i would relate it to Hitler looting the Art of Europe during the Occupation. just like these present day thieves; Hitler stole because he could. you... 
Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now
And yes, it IS the music execs and a sparse population of artists that are shaping the laws, because if congressmen and congresswomen ran on the platform of limiting MP3 sharing, how many votes do you think that would garner...besides Mikelavigne'... 
Feds to audiophiles: You're all pirates now
i have 10k+ pieces of music software and other than 15-20 CDR demo compliations (i'd pay for those too if i knew where to send the money) i've purchased every one.it's real simple......if you don't pay for the music you use you are a thief (except... 
How many hours weekly do you listen to your system
i listen approx 30+ hours per week. but i also work about 55 hours per week.....6 days a week (1/2 days on Saturdays).....and i don't work from home (although i'm always on call).i wake up early and typically listen for 1.5-2 hours before work (th... 
ZYX Universe, Dynavector XV-1s, vdH Colibri, ??
the first post of this thread is my test of these three cartridges. 
Name a couple of HOLY GRAIL LPs
Louis Armstrong/Duke Ellington, Together Again For The First Time. Classic Reissue Lp, 33rpm.the first track; 'Duke's Place' might have the best vibe of any piece of music i have ever heard. every time i play it it makes me feel wonderful.....that...