
Responses from mikelavigne

Why terminate speaker wire?
sometimes we ask why expensive cables are expensive. i’m not talking about $30k cables here, but why it’s $1000 or $3000 instead of $50 or $100? part of it is the quality of the connectors, and the care taken to fasten them. my speaker cables are... 
Systems over $100k
my system is over $100k (rather not estimate the investment). just a month ago upgraded my digital dac and server--Wadax (new gear not yet noted on my audiogon system page). but here is a link to info on my new digital. https://www.whatsbestforum... 
Here is my beef
Audiogon is a business. period. they are not changing. and don't expect them to. ask the Audiogon member to PM you on What's Best Forum. it's simple for someone to join there if they mutually want to interact privately. yes, it's not as simple as... 
SVS PB16 Ultra vs JL Fathom 113 vs ???
i use 3 Funk Audio 18.0 subwoofers in my Home Theater room. these are big boy subwoofers, and have outstanding performance. the Funk 18.0E is right at $3k and essentially the same subwoofer. https://www.funkaudio.ca/store/p13/Funk_Audio_-_18.0E.... 
What are your favorite "HOT" songs?
"Cyril Davies".....off......"Coward of the County", on Quboz or Tidal. this is Ginger Baker's jazz group....."Ginger Baker Trio".  
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
my Extreme is going to a new happy owner. i'm buying the Wadax Reference Server. on Friday night my friend Victor, who owns is an MSB Select 2 and is an Extreme owner, came over to assist with the compare. Victor also brought a Gigaswitch and LPS... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
@phantom_av  thanks. for 9 years my digital reference was the Playback Designs MPS-5. i had the first consumer unit ever. Andreas has stayed at my home. he is brilliant. which MSB dacs did you compare to the PD Dream Series?  
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
@nonoise regarding the Taiko Extreme server; in the last couple of days Emile from Taiko has optimized the USB drivers in the Extreme for the Wadax Ref dac. in the next couple of days i will do a direct compare between the Extreme and the Wadax ... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
Mike, do you still play cds over transport, and if so how does it compare to streams in your setup? @sns  i don't have a disc spinner in my room presently, i have used the Taiko Extreme server these last few years, and do quite a bit high rez ... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
thank you for all the positive comments. @dill i have been seriously into hifi since 1994 when my kids were gone from home. back in the 60’s and 70’s i had systems in High school and college and when i was first married. built my current room i... 
Subwoofer question
in the context of higher end Home Theater multi-channel systems, more that 2 subwoofers is common place. the reason is that more than 2 subwoofers, up to 4, will even out the bass nodes in your room. and each sub is more linear than a single sub. ... 
How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?
@jjss49  i like mike be like mike 😁 (since i'm the only Mike on this thread so far) thank you for the kind words. hifi/music/audiophilia is only fun for me. i refuse to allow darkness to intrude.  
How do you get Happy as an Audiophile?
i ’am’ happy as an audiophile. don’t need to ’get’ happy. --when i anticipate listening as i am doing other things, i am happy. --if one of my audio buddies calls me i am happy to talk hifi. --surfing and posting hifi forums away from listening... 
Room Ceiling Height for 2 channel listening - is taller always better?
congrats on your project. very exciting. i went through that 18 years ago in 2004. since then i have made changes to my room as i learned more. but i’m happy with the fundamental ’bones’ of my design. you can see pictures of it on my system page. ... 
Better Sounding Systems, Objectivists or Subjectivists?
the funny thing is, objectivists don’t put systems together objectively. they just enjoy being contrary. when tussling with an objectivist i often challenge them to describe in detail their process for system building, and then please list the ge...