
Responses from mikelavigne

Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
@wsrrsw    G R E A T.  Good on you.  I wished you lived down the road so I could my wife over (checky to ask) and show her what I’d like to do with a built audio building.  thank you for the kind words. you would be very welcome to visit i... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
@lalitk Would you please consider expanding on your comments…I am genuinely interested in learning what brand of TT, cart and phono at $40K would transcends a $100K in digital setup. Looking forward to your recommendations! each of my 3 turnt... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
@chayro it’s hard to give answers in purely price terms with analog, and performance is not that predictable relative to price. some vintage is not so expensive, and DIY efforts can make big differences. and the quality of the pressings of vinyl ... 
Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig
very happy with my system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/615 built my room in a barn back in 2004, took 10 or so years to figure out the room, but for the last 7 years it’s been acoustically stable, and a source of great joy and hours of m... 
Wall Art
Art.com and you can search for anything, and customize the frames and matting. 15 years ago i bought a number of framed music art pieces for my barn music room hallway, from Art.com, and have been very happy with it. https://www.art.com/gallery/... 
Pacific Audio Fest
i will be there.....  
I'm at the pearly gates and they tell me I can only bring in one jazz cd
i’d be pissed that god has no turntable. ’1’s and ’0’s? really? 😎 not my idea of heaven.  
Avoiding US dealer markups
what are you missing? if you have your friend in the UK buy it or even have it shipped there, they will pay the 20% VAT for Europe, which will negate any savings. the only way to avoid it is if it’s sold for export. so do the math. and every ma... 
most beautiful (looking) speakers
it’s not close, the B&W Silver Signatures....super classy....not really expensive. just the definition of elegance in a speaker. https://www.bowerswilkins.com/en-us/blog/products/story-of-signature the B&W Nautilus is not chopped liver e... 
Top linear trackers
in September 2019, i did receive the first CS Port products in the Western Hemisphere. i contacted CS Port in Japan to inquire and they referred me to the UK distributor. it was another year before anyone else in the US bought any. why i pursued ... 
Top linear trackers
another vote for the CS Port linear tracker. i own the CS Port LFT1 turntable which has the linear tracker. what is special is it’s low pressure low flow which results in amazing subtlety and nuance. and the air box is completely silent. great bas... 
How do you arrange the order of your records?
mike -- if he’s there, go about it the right way and start with contemporary Dutch composer Michel van der Aa. @edcyn zero Michel van der Aa in the collection. the collection is classical, not sure he does classical composition. i'm into modern... 
How do you arrange the order of your records?
holy cow. Was this from an estate sale or an individual abandoning vinyl for digital? No matter, what a find. @lowrider57 just one of those things. i happened to be looking at ebay and saw this classical collection for bid. the guy lived in N.J... 
How do you arrange the order of your records?
have around 12k records. i break it down a number of ways; i have a separate section for 12" 45rpm pressings, and a separate section for Mono pressings. also box sets are mostly all together. the bulk of my collection; my non box set stereo 33 r... 
Axpona: Who's going & when?
21 years here (on AudiogoN) for me. not around here as much over the last 10 years as i was back in the day. i'll be at Axpona....