
Responses from mikelavigne

Is the DAC the digital equivalent of a cartridge.
file/silver disc = vinyl----media transport/streamer = cartridge----reading + tiny signal dac = phono stage---converting + boost + analog output  
Headphone amp?
if you really want high end headphone and headphone amp answers, here is the best forum to look at and ask your questions. a few here on Audiogon know stuff, but this is where there is thread after thread of information to read. which might help y... 
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
hi Will, thank you for the kind words. the Wadax experience has been fun so far. it is hard to get serious threads here respected. i have to say so far this one has not been ransacked for whatever reason. thank you Audiogon! knock on wood!!!  
Wadax Reference Dac and Reference Server--arrived in my room.
for those interested, here is where i decided between the Wadax Ref  Server and the Taiko Extreme Server. https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/wadax-reference-dac-and-server-arrive.34173/page-16#post-773661  
which turntable for the future?
i own three turntables which would be a step up from the place you are at. or maybe two to five steps up. you can view them on my system page. the thread drive, air bearing, linear tracking CS Port LFT1, Saskia model two idler with a Durand Tosca ... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
i rest my case.  
Those who seek to deny access to information
@moto_man I have been an AudioGon member for over 20 years. I enjoy coming to the forums and getting information on things that I am interested in. Are there very opinionated people here? People who talk about products without ever having heard... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
What are the hallmarks of a serious audiophile? Just curious. @onhwy61 it has nothing to do with money. it is about having a serious interest in enjoying the best possible music reproduction. it’s about having the passion to appreciate the pr... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
Audiogon is past the point of pulling it back to only serious users. it’s the wild wild west and you can’t un-ring the bell. about the only thing i can think of that would change the culture immediately, would be to mix system page posts with the... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
@grannyring thanks. i keep coming back to the ’Gon’ and look-see a couple of times a day. and post occasionally. plenty of quality posters. many times i see a topic that might offer some interest, but then look and it’s already blown apart. not a... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
no need to abandon anything. simple to sign up for another forum and sample it. observe how both places deal with your question. you may find many familiar members there as here, but more focused discussions and not the crazy ’fly by’ attacks and ... 
Those who seek to deny access to information
you have chosen Audiogon as your forum. no one holds a gun to your head to stay here. if you want a different forum culture where listening is more respected, and price does not get many members panties in a bunch, then go somewhere like that. li... 
Step up transformer recommendation
i own two of these SUT’s silver wound.....love how they sound. https://myemia.com/SUT.html if you want to learn more about step up transformer design here is a source, it gets pretty deep. Dave Slagle is a genius at this stuff. contact dave; he ... 
Von schweikert out of business since Albert's passing?
1--Albert Von Schweikert sold the company to Leif Swanson a few years ago, prior to his passing, Leif is a sharp guy. and i think Albert’s son Damon might still share in ownership. 2--many manufacturers do not answer phone calls these days. that ... 
Systems over $100k
no, it was removed because someone ’reported’ your comment. and it’s one of the words that get the post removed when it's reported. i did not see your ’removed’ post, and am speculating how the process works.