
Responses from mikelavigne

How Audiphiles are Different
thank you @danager and ​​​​@mahgister for the kind words. trying to be self aware, i view myself as an audiophile who is all in with maximum effort to enjoy every part of the hobby, serious room and system building, and the music. secondarily i h... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
It’s a true departure for what you was accustom to with your other tonearms?, I could say not a real departure but something different that at this moment like you more that what you listened with your other tonearms. @rauliruegas no, not mor... 
Nordost Cable Listed in Order of Importance
1-phono cables (from cartridge to phono pre) are most significant, as they deal with a tiny signal (.2mv - .5mv). not debatable. 2-after that the interconnect from your preamp to your amp is critical because that synergy is paramount to the whole... 
WAITAMINIT! Center stage disappeared with a Modwright KWA 150SE and Daedalus Athena V.2?!
what he said.  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
let’s just say that a passive magnet has performance potential; but a sufficiently engineered powered magnetic field has an apparently much higher effect on performance. i’m not claiming any particular effect of the field coil. but i am saying th... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
@dover  i've owned a few unipivots; many years ago (late 90's, into 2001) i owned a couple of Graham arms; the 1.5 and the 1.5tc. they were a bit wobbly. never owned a Phantom or Graham after that. i've owned 2 Durand Telos unipivots, and a Dura... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
Dear @mikelavigne : "" the FCL is doing things that no other arm can do. "" That’s a serious statement, so I would like to ask: like what things? Thank’s in advance. @rauliruegas tonight i’m bringing out some of my big classical guns to rea... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
out of curiosity what do you consider great arms say in the 5 - 10k range? Kuzma 4Point? 4POINT9? https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2020/09/27/glanz-mh-124s-premium-tonearm-review/ or stretch to a used Durand Tosca. that would be the smart play.  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
Early days, but how does it compare to the Durand Tosca - particularly in terms of transparency and overall balance. @dover 24 hours in with the Primary Control FCL, it fair to say it has a leg up on the Tosca in terms of liquidity, textures an... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
i did start a thread on What's Best Forum on my Primary Control FCL field coil loaded tone arm if anyone is interested. here; https://www.whatsbestforum.com/threads/primary-control-fcl-12-field-coil-loaded-unipivot-tone-arm.35126/#post-807799  
Which device makes for a better digital music source? Computer or streamer?
really; there are three different circumstances regarding this question; "it depends"..... 1--at the entry level it’s a horse apiece.....computers are servers. servers are computers. maybe a dedicated server has slightly less noise, and maybe a b... 
Speakers known for great midrange.
Harbeth, they are all pretty good. never disappoint. almost every time i hear them at audio shows they are an oasis of musical ease and envelopment. tonal density extraordinaire. with a the right amp.....don't really know your Pass, it might be p... 
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
while counting angels on heads of pins has it’s advantages, musical expression is a bit more complicated than that. nothing wrong with being a great tool for investigation, but does it satisfy? not saying it does not, although i get mixed feedback... 
Need suggestions: High pitched female singers
Anna Netrebko  
New 55,000 Euro tonearm
i ordered the Primary Control FCL tone arm in January from the Netherlands, and should receive it next week. this arm uses field coil loading for the bearing. https://www.primarycontrol.nl/Field_Coil_Loaded_Unipivot_Tonearm.html a friend who als...