
Responses from mikelavigne

Placette Passive Owners...
you need a relatively high input impedence on your amps (mine are 40k) and your amps need to have adaquate gain. speakers sensitivity does enter into the equation as your amp gain x speaker sensitivity gets you SPL.interconnects should be 1 meter ... 
Placette Passive Owners...
Howie,i assume that your reason to have the Placette RVC between the source and active pre would be to add the remote feature. otherwise, there will be no benefit (it may not hurt but can't help the performance).in my experience i can't hear the P... 
Dynaudio Evidence Temptation?
David, i am seriously considering 2 REL Studio III's for my room.......and would be very interested on how well the REL integrates with the Temptations. the Temptations are very good in the bass by themselves (like my Exquisites) and wonder if the... 
Placette Passive Owners...
i have used my Placette with a few different preamps, also with the Audio Aero Capitole II. as long as the interconnect from the RVC to the amps is kept short the Placette seems to be transparent.specifically, with the Audio Aero i found that if i... 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
sorry guys. i didn't mean to hijack this thread.....it was more a 'this just happened' kinda thing. clearly i love digital.....and choose digital about 60% to 70& of the time for many reasons.my daughter is here with her boyfriend tonite and w... 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
Thom,thanks.Lucinda and Jim (Morrison) will be waiting.....three audiophiles just left my room after a 4 hour listening session......we did the old digital-analog comparison.they had all been marveling about how great the digital was.....they had ... 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
Thom y; as a well-known Tenor proponent (who also likes and has recommended Lamm) here's my 2 cents.forgetting about which sounds 'best'.....the Lamm is likely going to have less chance of any future hassels. only one tube....compared to 5 with th... 
Meitner DCC2 vs. Analog - Opinions Please
i've owned 4 different levels of analog in the last 8 years, from an early VPI TNT Mk II with Graham 1.5tc arm, to the Basis 2500/Graham 2.2, to the Rockport Sirius II, and now the Sirius III.for digital there has been the Levinson #36s/37, the Li... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
about a year ago i compared the DV-50 to the Meitner DAC6/modified Philips SACD 1000......although it was very nice and a great performer for the money it was not very close on either cd or sacd in my system to my ears. the Meitner combo had a goo... 
Dynaudio Audience 52se anyone give em a listen?
i got them for my 50" Fujitsu Plasma in my family room.....very impressed. they are mated with the Rotel RSX-1056 reciever and it makes a great combo.these 52SE's have remarkable clarity and dynamic snap. 
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ?
D, my comments regarding the 'Phantom' approach relate to 2-channel and multi-channel music. for film i agree that the benefits of a center channel for dialog outweigh the negatives. also, in my room i could care less about the off-axis listening ... 
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ?
i don't know for sure.....but i believe the DCC2's analog input can be used as a pass thru. yes, it would go thru the gain stage of the DCC2 but that would be easy to figure out. you could do it a couple of different ways.you could simply preset t... 
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ?
Thom, the 'warm-up' circut of the Tenors will protect it as long as your kids know how to properly turn the amps on and off. it IS important to not be turning the amps on and off immediately (allow for full 'power-up' before powering off). once yo... 
Mixing Tenor hybrid with SS multichannel for HT ?
that is exactly the way i'll be going. although my new room is no-compromise 2-channel......i did set it up for multichannel and anticipate using ss of some sort ( maybe Dartzeel or Rowland) for my rear channels. i have 2" conduit buried in my con... 
Which is better, gain in phono stage or pre amp?
typically you are looking for the least 'noise'. try turning up the volume with the arm raised. which combination of phono stage gain and preamp gain is the most quiet?at the various gain settings of your phono stage; are there variations in the c...