
Responses from mikelavigne

Avalon Isis
i heard it at RMAF this past weekend. if you like the Avalon/Boulder sound, you will love this speaker. it did improve from Friday to Sunday.....it was a little more natural and less 'clinical' on Sunday.the room was huge and the speakers were bra... 
Has digital come close to or beat up analog yet ?
i enjoy both formats and recent advances in my total system performance have likely moved digital a little closer to the vinyl in overall performance. seems that my GP rack has had a more positive effect on the emmlabs than the Lamm LP2 phono stag... 
The most emotional amp out there?
Jsujo, i think you mis-understood my post. i agree that we give gear too much credit.....all good gear does is expand the possibilities.....but not necessarily the enjoyment or performance. good synergy is not necessary for connecting to the music... 
The most emotional amp out there?
in the 'flavor' of this thread i would split my vote for most 'potentially' emotional amp between the Tenors (OTL and Hybrid) and the darTZeel NHB-108. why? because of amps i have heard.....they seemed to have the best ability to get out of the wa... 
A Very Long Primer on Record Cleaning Fluids
thankyou!! i appreciate a real expert taking the time to shed light on this very important issue for us vinyl lovers. even though your initial post was long; i felt that you gave the proper background so even a klutz like me can get a feel for cau... 
Rocky Mountain Audio Fest 2005
last year i remember reading what a great time everyone had. so i'll be there this year......i'm really looking forward to it.since VSAC is likely no more.....RMAF will fill that considerable void for me. 
What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own
How do you move a 365lbs amplifier?you don't. you have the dealer move it (i mean them....BOTH of them) in and out. my 250 pound son and i could slide it around on the carpet a little but even that was difficult. actually, you load it onto it's cr... 
What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own
not that weight has any particular significance in and of itself; my heavyweight champ so far has been the Levinson #33 monoblocks. they weighed 365 pounds each. i owned them for two years.more impressive to me was the magnificent industrial desig... 
EMM DCC2 vs Hi End Preamps
Gladstone; i like tubes as much as the next guy.....but i don't want a 'tubey' sound.....i want the 'breath of life' that tubes typically bring.....but without colorations that impose their signature.you did not hear the DarTZeel pre/bi-amp combo ... 
EMM DCC2 vs Hi End Preamps
David; as i understand it, the DarT pre WILL have a remote.....at least for volume attenuation.....it will also include a killer phono stage.as the DAC6 has no preamp.....where you referring to a DCC2 or the Switchman as the emmlabs preamp you use... 
EMM DCC2 vs Hi End Preamps
the DCC2 is an excellent preamp and 'the best' digital source (partnered with the CDSD) i have heard (equal to my DAC6/CDSD) when used as a stand alone DAC.that said, in my system i prefer my Placette passive RVC. earlier this spring i had the DCC... 
CAT JL-2 Mk2 vs LAMM M1.2 ... on WP 6 or 7
Schorly; did you mention the size of your room? if so, i missed it. with Watt Puppies there will always be a benefit to more power. based on your sonic priorities (including micro and macro dynamics and a live soundstage) the amp choice will be hi... 
Power Amps for Kharma
Henry, Kharma's are not generally a good match for the typical SET amp since SET's (in general) have some coloration (warmth) to the sound that the amazing clarity of the Kharma's reveals as distortion. also, SET's are typically less extended both... 
Power Amps for Kharma
after living with Kharma's on both Tenor OTL's and Hybrids, and spending considerable time listening to Kharma's on Lamm tubed and hybrid amps....you owe it to yourself to try Kharma's with the DarTZeel NHB-108's. i just spent 4 months with the Da... 
Aesthetix Io 2 vs. Lamm lp 2
hi Don, i hope all is well with you.a few years back i had the original Aesthetix Io, the Aesthetix Io Signature with 2 power supplies, and the Lamm LP2 Delux in my system at the same time.i had owned the original Io for over two years and loved i...