
Responses from mikelavigne

New Lamm M1.2 vs. M1.1
Bob, in the price range you are in you should be able to get it all. again, i think very highly of the Lamm amps.....but they like speakers that are easier to drive than the Wilsons. i have owned WP3/2's, 5.1's and 6.0's. even though the WP7 is so... 
New Lamm M1.2 vs. M1.1
i think Lamm amps are among the best. what makes you say that the M1.1 is obsolete? did you mean simply that it was no longer a current model?you didn't ask whether your WP7's will match well with the M1.1's......but i'll comment anyway. i think t... 
best for home theater? revel or aerial acoustics?
i have had the Revel F30's, C30, and S30's in my HT room for 3 years (i have a separate 2-channel room with Kharma Exquisites). i have taken the F30's into my 2-channel room and listened to them on world-class amps (Tenor 300 watt hybrids among ma... 
Tenor Hybrid v. VTL MB-450 Sig.
Brooks, as a previous owner of the Tenor OTL's and a current Tenor 300 watt Hybrid owner to me there is no doubt that as much as loved the Tenor OTL's, the Hybrids do pretty much everything better. and this is on the Kharma Exquisites (an easy loa... 
Meitner Dac 6 vs. Theta CCll Extreme Dacs
i assume you are in Portland (your moniker).....if so, contact Jonathan Tinn (as a Meitner owner, i would assume you know him). he can loan you a few different choices.....personally, in my system, the Placette RVC passive balanced.....has bettere... 
Meitner Dac 6 vs. Theta CCll Extreme Dacs
not having heard the Theta, it is difficult to question your results......but there are a few possibilities.1. are you using the DAC6 with a modified Philips SACD 1000 to take full advantage of the performance of the DAC6? this makes a dramatic di... 
Cables for Tenor/Kharma/Capitole MKI
I think that Tenor/Kharma is a particularly synergistic combination that allows any good cable to sound it's best. depending on the listener's taste and sonic preferences many different cables can be perceived as ideal. the special combination of ... 
New Tenor Hybrid
hi mike, to my knowledge.....the first prototype stereo 150 is not yet built.....so there is no comparative info yet. considering Tenor's track record......my guess would be that the stereo 150's will be virtually indistiguishable from the mono 30... 
Mark Levinson 33H vs Edge NL10
Chuck, when i had my #33H's i was using Transparent Reference XL interconnects and speaker cable (certainly no edge in those). i agree that the Valhalla would not be an ideal match with that set-up.my 'solid state' comment is only in comparison to... 
Mark Levinson 33H vs Edge NL10
i owned the #33H's for 3 years (and the #33's for a year) and have listened to the NL-10 a few times during shows. the main shortcoming of the 33H compared to the NL-10 is a higher noise-floor.....which allows the NL-10 to reveal quite a bit more ... 
New Tenor Hybrid
Chuck, your inference that any feedback from this "dealers" customers was less than genuine did offend me. the first thing i mentioned in my comments was that "I" was skeptical.....even after hearing the differences for myself in SF. i was even gi... 
New Tenor Hybrid
Chuck....or Johnny....or...i've had my Tenor 300 watt Hybrids for about a month. i did post a mini-review on AA...here it is; since i oredered my Tenor 300 watt Hybrid monoblocks i have been skeptical. after living with the Tenor 75 watt OTL's for... 
ASL Hurricanes vs Tenors - which are better?
Rb99, i think that Arthur is right on with many of his perspectives. he blows away many of the myths of high-end audio. but even though he is refreshingly forthright with his opinions......some of what he writes is less than fully justifyable.in t... 
Joejr, your skepticism is understandable. yes, when emmlabs/Meitner questions are posed......those that own these units answer. as far as patting ourselves on the back......i think it is more a case of sharing our discovery with the curious. if a ... 
Golden Ears, i respect your perspective and opinion.....but.....i beg to differ. my experience with the emmlabs gear has clearly resulted in a conclusion that it takes digital performance (both redbook and sacd) to clear new levels.it is one thing...