
Responses from mikelavigne

Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
French Fries.no#1. yes, maybe#2. yes#3. unfortunately, yes#4. no, not necessarily#5. probably, what's a DK?have a nice day. 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Cinematic Systems, you are confusing my Exquisite Ref 1D's with the Midi Exquisites. i have only throughly measured the big Exquisite Ref 1D's in my new room. these are now sold and i am using a loaner set of Midi Exquisites.i am 'guessing' on my ... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
thanks sirspeedy for the good wishes. the attention (good and bad) my postings attract is of my own doing. if i don't want the feedback i should just keep to myself. mostly i enjoy the discussions and relationships that result from my choice to sh... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
sirspeedy, as Howie mentioned.....i am not one to change gear willy-nilly. i had owned to Exquisite's for almost 4 years.....and had no particular desire to change until the new room came along and gave me a reason. i've had the same cables for 4 ... 
Help with room treatments
first, nice set-up and beautiful room.....that looks like a great place to listen.you have a few things going on there.the two biggest influences on your sound are the TV and the ceiling......neither of which you likely want to fool with. if it is... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Sirspeedy; if you look at the price issue of any Euro product......it has taken a hit in the last few years......the Kharma's more than some. i am not going to judge the current importer.....he can either make the case for value or not. i would on... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
sir speedy; i heard all the speakers you mention at CES and in other places......as well as the Midi Exqusite's at CES.first, i was NOT impressed by the Midi's at CES......and if you based your opinion of the Midi based on CES i would understand y... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
i've gone back and forth whether to respond to 'Cinematic Systems' regarding his interpretation of mine and other posts as some sort of dismissal of Kharma in favor of Von Schweikert. i guess some response is in order.first, no one has had a chanc... 
Which is better, gain in phono stage or pre amp?
later this summer DarTZeel will be introducing a battery powered preamp with a phono stage. i heard the prototype at CES in Janurary. it was amazing.....possibly the best i've yet heard. this was in a system using a pre fairly well known to me (an... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
i must disagree with my friend Hooper (and particularly Cinematic Systems). i currently have the Kharma Midi Exquisites in my room and am listening with a single DarTZeel NHB-108. my room is pretty large (21' x 29' x 11') and at first i did feel t... 
Where is Your Turntable?
mine is immediately to the left side of my listening position along the left wall (room is 21 feet wide); there is a 1 meter interconnect to the phono stage on a rack next to the tt. the wall behind the tt has a large multi-cylinder diffuser. the ... 
Do you keep your EMM DAC 6e on?
i would trade my DAC6 with fan for a DAC6e without the fan.i live in Seattle and have air conditioning. 
Do you keep your EMM DAC 6e on?
my early DAC6 has a fan and runs luke warm.....the noise bugs me in my new 'quiet-as-a-tomb' room......but it has it's benefits.....i never turn it off (except when playing vinyl). 
Best Amps for Von schweikert 7se,9se,11se
Snook2, my VR9SE's are a few (2 to 4) weeks away.....and i have been considering the same question. the obvious choices for me will be the DarTZeel NHB-108 and the Tenor 300 Watt Tenor hybrids.....since i have both. I have only heard the DarTZeel ... 
Wilsons Watt/puppy 6 .... where in my room?
Jorsan, you have some great speakers there....congrats!if you could somewhat describe your listening room and limitations of where the speakers can be in the room that would be helpful. dimentions, including connected open spaces......where are th...