
Responses from mikelavigne

Barber Cafe Blue flaw?
I've not heard that 'buzz' before either. i just listened again 5 times to that passage on the SACD......there are tiny 'growling riffs' from the standing bass that float in and out of audibility but nothing that might be interpreted as "a gnat fl... 
What's Best Care for Piano Black Finish Speakers?
here ya go.....Cory Piano Cleaner....how 'pros' clean Steinways.Cory Piano Cleaneri just got my Piano Black Von Schweikert VR9SE's and this was recommended to me. there is also some sort of 3M cloth that is avalible at Auto Detailing shops that is... 
Best Integrated Amp, Price no obstacle?
the Tenor OTL 75Wi integrated monoblocks are easily the finest integrated amps i have heard. you will need a reasonably easy speaker to drive.....hopefully at least 90db efficient and a fairly flat 6-8 ohm load with no big dips in the impeadence c... 
Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner
Jason; i got one of the first DAC6/modified Philips and prior to breakin slightly preferred the CD-12 (the CD-12 had a slightly lower noise floor, greater detail and more snap and micro-dynamics.....the emmlabs was more dynamic and had a larger so... 
Reimyo CDP vs EMM Labs/Meitner
i have not heard the Reimyo.....but have no doubt it is excellent from all i have heard. as an emmlabs (DAC6/CDSD) owner i can say i have not heard better redbook than thru my emmlabs; particularly with the CDSD......which to my ears, was a huge p... 
What is the MOST audiophile friendly city ???
i think the Seattle-Portland-Vancover B.C. area is very 'audiophile friendly'.there are many active audiophiles that enjoy the community. we have VSAC and the Tube guys, there is Positive Feedback community. we have numerous small high end compani... 
Thoughts about these forums
Jadmo6, i agree with your sentiments.....and welcome back.my opinion is that some here post opinions or viewpoints as 'unquestioned facts'; some take offense with different viewpoints; others question the morality of economic decisions; others hav... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
DBK, the DarTZeel is quite wonderful in my fairly large room on the 90db, 4 ohm nominal Midi Exquisite. i would guess that in a more normal sized room that the Dart would be just fine on the 94db, 6 ohm nominal VR7.any amp/speaker combo needs to b... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
hi Keith, after hearing both the Midi Exquisite and the CRM 3.2 at CES with the Kharma sub.......i decided not to go the subwoofer direction. i never did try a sub in my room with my old Exqusites......i did seriously consider it however."That dar... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Hooper; i wanna know how you planned all this last summer......it's always the quiet ones you gotta watch. 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Sean; my comments about Audiogon's moderation policey were not in any way directed at you (i was simply whineing); we have never had any acrimoney of any kind between us and there is none now. we do disagree on whether you have adaquate informatio... 
Are in-wall speakers worth considering?
do you know any musicians that play inside walls?music is valid on any level.....so if the lifestyle issues are sufficiently important then in-wall is just fine. but there will be significant limitations to what the system can do.i have a full hou... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Sean; i've kinda got frustrated with this thread. i even sent Mr. Audiogon a post complaining (for the first time ever) about 'delays pending moderator approval'. if the 'gon' wants to slow down a thread, that is their business......but then i jus... 
Is there a best cartridge track force gauge?
i use the Winn's ALM-1 electronic VTF guage good to .01 of a gram. i also have the Shure which works fine as a backup.i agree that once you are in the ballpark it becomes a matter of tuneing by ear....so having exact tracking force measurements is... 
Review of Dartzeel NHB-108 Amplifier
Sadeek; my plan is to compare the DarTZeel and Tenor 300 Hybrid Monos on the VR9's. i do have experience with the Tenor 75 watt OTL's and have heard the ML2's numerous times at shows. the VR9's would be just fine with either the Tenor OTL's or the...