
Responses from mikelavigne

best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.
Emigene; i use the emmlabs and find it very natural sounding. the reference that i use for performance is my Rockport tt and live music; not other digital players.i have heard the emmlabs combined with the Halcro and Wilson X-2 and Wilson MAXX II ... 
ASR Emitter ii Exclusive
i would certainly be 'game' for it if anyone has a spare 'ASR Emitter II Exclusive' sitting around they want to ship me.;^)since the dart is Swiss and the ASR is German i would expect these similarly focused products to cross paths soon. 
DarTZeel Preamp
Herve Deletraz (Mr. darTZeel) sent me an explaination of why we had some problems with battery power initially that i thought i would pass on to those interested.**************Herve's message; "this is ONLY for the pre-serial machine you have:The ... 
ASR Emitter ii Exclusive
the darTZeel preamp and amp are configured similarly to the ASR Emitter II Exclusive. the dart pre is battery powered, includes a phono stage, uses a propritary connection system (50 ohm BNC cables) between pre and amp, and then has an AC powered ... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
OB, "To me the Maxx ll blows away the VR 9 at less money"where did that come from? is it somehow directed at me? maybe you are simply trying to make a point about costs but your approach hits close to home and i just wonder what your intent is.if ... 
Best phono preamp? Want world class the best
Perdillo, either you want 'world-class'...'the best'....or you want the best phono stage for around $2000 used. they are not the same thing.if you want world class they will start around $7k and go up to $40k at retail.OTOH there are some wonderfu... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Husk; after a quick review of my recent posts (specifically refering to battery power) i did find that each of my comments included a reference to either digital or analog.if i were to summerize; i would say that since analog includes the battery ... 
DarTZeel Preamp
FYI, i am now listening to the pre exclusivly thru battery mode; i will never go back. since i am still breaking in the dart amps i do leave it in AC mode when i'm not in the room; but switch to battery mode when listening. I am using the remote w... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
although i'm not a Wilson zealot; i think Mr. Giolas has it about right. Mr. Hardesty's writing says more about Mr. Hardesty than about the products he describes.....and thanks to Mr. Hardesty for showing us Mr. Giolas's letter.If Mr. Hardesty tru... 
DarTZeel Preamp
thanks Fsarc and Sirspeedy, at the moment i am again listening to battery powered vinyl. hubba hubba!!Janice Ian's 'Breaking Silence' at the moment. imagine that her voice is without all that breathyness (which turns out to be distortion).....it's... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Battery Power....WOW!!!an update on the darTZeel preamp.a week ago i retrieved the darTZeel (pre-production) preamp from the distributor. i am still breaking in my 2 darTZeel NHB-108 amps (another 10 days to go) so this last week i've been investi... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Fsarc; i did miss the perspective of Hardesty's Watchdog articles. He does not represent them as reviews.my opinion is that his whole 'Watchdog' premise is very wrong-minded. Being the self-appointed 'audio police' without doing the in-depth liste... 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
I'm of the school that appreciates hearing about what another person hears from a product. I am always interested in knowing the context of that experience; which includes time and circumstances with the product, ancilary gear, and previous writin... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Jafox, thanks for the comments. i agree that obvious 'raves' like mine do typically require a reader's personal experience to become credible. it CAN be arranged.a couple of weeks ago i did have some visitors to investigate my perceptions of what ... 
DarTZeel Preamp
Fsarc; i am not currently using battery mode. i did previously twice briefly (15 minutes total) hear this pre in battery mode and it was spooky good. this pre-production model is not fully sorted out so i am avoiding the battery mode.what i heard ...