
Responses from mikelavigne

Low level listening
i agree with Duke and others that low level dynamics and articulation is very important. i'm not one that knows the science part too well but i have come to appreciate this issue.currently i don't have any limitations as to noise level since my ro... 
XM or Sirius
make your decision on content and gear; not sound quality.....they both suck from the audiophile perspective. the signal is very compressed, the bass is 'one-note and it lacks depth. the better the gear the worse it will sound. i don't think you w... 
Grand Prix Audio- Acrylic VS. Formula shelves
i own the GP Monaco rack and amp stands with Formula shelves and Apex footers. i have not had the Acrylic shelves in my system but i did set up an almost identical system to mine at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest that did use Acrylic shelves and in... 
Avalon Opus Ceramique versus Kharma 3.2
David, a friend had Avalon Opus Ceramique speakers and i did enjoy them; but they were not in the class of the Kharma 3.2 in terms of refinement and naturalness. like other Avalon speakers they need a fairly 'tubey' sounding amp to sound natural.a... 
What is the best phono preamp you have heard?
i've owned or had in my system a few good phono stages including the Aesthetix Io, Io Sig w/dual power supplies, the Lamm LP2 Delux, BAT VK10SE and Blowtorch. i've heard the Connoisseur Definitions 4.0, Boulder, Manley, Wavac, and others at shows.... 
Record Cleaning Machine
10 years ago when i got serious about vinyl i purchased the VPI 16.5 RCM. i've likely cleaned at least 3500 records with that machine over the years.recently i built a new dedicated listening room with a foyer outside the room with a dedicated spa... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
Sirspeeedy, i did hear the Ayon Spheris at CES along with their amps, the Lumen White speakers, and the Blue Pearl tt.hard to comment specifically on the preamp, but overall the system sounded very good.....in a slightly 'golden' way. lot'sa tubes... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
the darTZeel NHB-18NS is the best i've heard; and i've heard many listed so far. battery powered and including a world class phono stage and remote volume control it is hard to beat. if you are using a darTZeel amp you can use the 'cheap' 50 ohm B... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
i have been one watching and waiting on this whole CDR burning thing.....and almost pulled the trigger a few times on RC......but it seemed a bit of a moving target. i was at an interesting 'late night' demo at 2006 CES where some RC 'insiders' di... 
Dartzeel amp lives up to hype
first, there was only one pre-production dart preamp in the western hemisphere from October 05' to late December 05'. which was at jtinn's, RMAF, and then in my room. it went no-where else. there were 2 pre-production units in Europe during that t... 
Shunyata Anaconda Alpha or Elrod Statement?
in my above comments i didn't want to go OT and bring up another power cord......but since i didn't start it i'll second Rgwrjs's comments. i now am using 7 Jena Labs Fundamental One power cords in place of my Elrods. I found that the Jena's were ... 
Shunyata Anaconda Alpha or Elrod Statement?
In my system on Tenor 300 watt Hybrids with 20 amp IEC's i preferred the Elrod Statements to the Anaconda Alpha's. The Elrods were a good deal more dynamic and portrayed a better sense of effortlessness. The Elrods seemed to 'flesh-out' images bet... 
DartZeel phono section...
Ct, to be fair to the Io; i had heard later that Jim White had found that he had some noisey tubes (or was it resistors?) so that might have been part of my issue back then. also, the Lamm has only 57.5db of gain and is loaded at 400 ohms so it is... 
DartZeel phono section...
Ct; i had the darTZeel NHB-18NS battery powered preamp with phono stage in my system for most of the last three months.the Aesthetix Io was my reference phono stage from 1999 thru 2002. at that point i tried the Io Signature with 2 power supplies ... 
Calling all Von Schweikert VR-9 owners
Hooper; are you describing an 'electrical buzz' (a kind of hum) or a 'vibration buzz' (something loose that rattles)?i assume that you have turned off the subwoofer and the noise went away to isolate the noise to a subwoffer issue. btw, i get zero...