
Responses from mike_in_nc

Does anyone know where this J. Gordon Holt comes from?
Any Benchmark AHB2 users here….speaker connect question ..
Don't break the binding posts on your beautiful new amp! The manual calls them binding posts. If it can't be loosened and bind down on a spade lug, it's not a binding post. Keep trying -- gently.  
DAC Transformer Hum - Affect Audio?
It's not affecting the audio signal. If you're sure you can't hear it at all from the listening position, there is no point in getting a DC blocker. If you find you are becoming aware of the hum, you could try one. I recommend the AVA HumDinger. I... 
If you had to narrow your choices to 4 - 5 speakers
I’d be sure to hear the new Janszen Nine.Five. I like electrostats, I like Janszen electrostats, and preliminary reviews have been great. Outside of that, I generally look for rooms that won’t blow out my ears with overly loud sound. That radical... 
Trinnov Audio Internal Phono Stage Is Remarkable!
Thanks for the report!  
Are Harbeth Super HL5 XD right for me?
Once your system is such that you love it (or part of it) -- as you said you do -- it’s pointless to buy any new component without an extended trial (several days or weeks) in your own listening space. The key to doing that, of course, is finding ... 
Trinnov Audio Internal Phono Stage Is Remarkable!
It's great to hear such a positive report on the Amethyst. I've used several other DRC systems, but not Trinnov. What deterred me from the Amethyst were the cost and reports that the cooling fan could be audible in a quiet room. I take it you have... 
Absorption, Diffusion or a combination of it all?
I’d definitely recommend either quadratic diffusers or something like GIK Alpha panels. The latter have the advantage of providing both scattering and some bass trapping, if you get thicker ones.  
I just moved and insurance
It can be helpful to go through every room in your house taking photos. Then save a CD with them in case you need to make an insurance claim. Open drawers and cabinets to show contents and take as many shots as needed to show everything you own.  
Describe the "new HiFi sound"?
Whether it’s due to recording, mastering, or the playback equipment, the new HiFi sound has lots of sparkle and definition, often due to a boost around 8-14 kHz. It’s far more detailed than listening to an acoustic instrument in a natural environm... 
Roon Room Correction- Who Has used it? Opinions please!
AFAIK, you need to get a mic and measurement program to see what the response is. Then you can enable EQ in Roon to change it (say to eliminate nulls). At present, Roon is not a complete solution, as it neither measures nor generates the filters u... 
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
It's a good question, for sure. Even in retirement, I don't spend as much time with the music as I might like. I think it might be different with a spouse who also enjoyed it. But mine has terrible tinnitus, which music at anything higher than bac... 
Ferrite cores on cables
I have tried them and never heard a difference.  
Best Liner Notes / Information delivery from Streamers & Streaming Services
I think Roon does so well because they pay for access to metadata source, rather than solely depend on what’s freely available. They also access Wikipedia. It is their selling point, so they put more effort into it than some other platforms.  
More Bass
>> how do I go about doing this "Measuring" << Well, either you do the work learning to use OmniMic or REW or something similar, or you don’t. There are no special tricks; it just takes doing it a few, or a few dozen, times. There’s q...