
Responses from mike_in_nc

Is usb reclocking necessary?
I used a pretty good one (Mutec MC-3+USB) into a $6k DAC-Preamp on the Stereophile "A" list. There was a positive difference. Then, I got a newer DAC-preamp ($4k), and I found that the reclocker added harshness to the sound. My conclusion: this i... 
KEF LS50 Wireless II vs. Harbeth P3esr
FWIW: I auditioned the original LS50 for my desktop system and settled on the P3ESR, which I've had for almost 10 years now. They are really good speakers!  
Hearing Aids Reduce Dementia Risk
How cam Morrow Audio keep offering 45%-65% discounts for trade-ups?
Boutique audio cables are extremely high-profit items. How else could the manufacturers  afford those endless back-cover ads in the glossy magazines?  
Is the DCS Rossini DAC a DNLA device?
Nothing extra was used, AFAIK. It was addressable from a good DLNA control point.  
Riddle me this....
That won’t happen. It’s the same as flipping the polarity switch on your preamp or DAC, which typically changes the sound in ways that some people find inaudible most of the time and a few others other find highly important for musical realism. Mo... 
Is the DCS Rossini DAC a DNLA device?
A friend had a Rossini, and once I got onto his network, I found the Rossini in my DLNA control point (BubbleUPnP on Android) and played music to it. Source was MinimServer/BubbleUPnP Server on my home NAS. It sounded great. So my experience is t... 
Do Your Speakers have LEVEL CONTROLS or EQUALIZERS? (Vintage or Modern) ???
Yes. Janszen Valentina P8 (a current model). Each has a woofer level switch, a level pot for the electrostatic panels, and a second level pot for the side-mounted tweeters that can provide more local ambiance if desired.  
How good is Aesthetix audio?
The Aesthetix room at AXPONA 2019 was among my top few for natural sounding hi-fi. They were running their Mimas integrated amp into a pair of Aerial speakers, 7t or 6t if I remember right.  
Baffled by Pricing Strategy
@testpilot said: Unfortunately, buyers are constantly low balling sellers, therefore, in some instance, a seller will inflate their price to help offset the low ball offer. It’s just a stupid game.   As an occasional seller, I have in fact not... 
Can an audio rack be that important?
It is like plastic surgery, which doesn't improve your physical health but might make you feel better.  
AES/EBU vs RCA s/pdif into dac, RCA analog out
There is no general answer, as in theory, the two inputs (coax SPDIF and AES3) should sound the same. In older or less well engineered DACs, one could sometimes hear a small difference between the inputs, but I have not noticed differences with re... 
How Long Is Too Long?
It’s always difficult to get a small operator to do a job that is free (even if he’s the one who set the price) when paying jobs are lined up. It shouldn’t be that way, but it is. I remember (30+ yrs ago) paying a remodeling contractor when half a... 
How Long Is Too Long?
Whenever one deals with a small outfit, especially a one-man shop, there are potential issues different from those encountered when dealing with a larger firm such as NAD or Bryston. One often gets cordial and personal service (which Bryston also... 
Subs with room correction DSP?
I believe SVS and now Hsu offer some sort of app that lets you configure the sub from your listening location. I don't know about Hsu, but I have two SVS subs. The app includes PEQ, phase, level, polarity, low-pass filtering, and more. All conf...