
Responses from mike_in_nc

Is the dynamic advantage of cones just distortion?
I think that distortion is one way that a component (speaker or electronics) might sound louder. And at least in the moderate price range, panel speakers to tend to have less distortion.On the first point, Robert E Greene said this in TAS in his r... 
CD distortion through preamp
As I glanced through the manual, the function of the gain control was not crystal clear, by a long shot. I thought it said that the preamp would limit the signal above the "gain" chosen; i.e., that something with high output (like a CD player) sho... 
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?
Since I'm the customer, I would hope the manufacturer would be loyal to ME. I've already paid -- I don't owe them anything!Auralic has been loyal to customers, in offering great trade-in value to those who upgrade. Bryston has been, also, in offer... 
CD distortion through preamp
I see the preamp has a "gain" setting that is input-specific. You've tried adjusting that? (It's not clear to me from a quick view of the manual if it should go higher or lower.) 
Streamer choices and help
@Axeis1- I think the Aries G1 is one of the best streamers out there. At least I like mine very much & was unable to distinguish it from the Bricasti M5, which is about the same price but with fewer features (and a little quirkier in DLNA oper... 
Why do YOU love Vinyl/or hate vinyl
Like @lalitk , I think love or hate are too strong for my feelings. At some point, didn't have room for everything, and since my LP library was small, I sold a nice analog setup. That was ~20 yr ago.What I disliked about LP wasPitch instability fr... 
I use and can recommend the Auralic Aries G1, a little more costly than the Lumin and a wonderful-sounding unit. To my ears, it was a big step up from my original Aries femto. I have not compared the U1 Mini to the Aries G1. I suggest that before ... 
JL F112 Fathom Repair
When I had an issue with my F112, JL Audio was quite helpful. I contacted them at technical@jlaudio.com 
What I call minimalist
You might enjoy this CD: Tone Poems by David Grisman and Tony Rice. There's some beautiful playing, and not an unnecessary note.  
Thinking of buying a new DAC - Shiit Yggdrasil?
You have the SHD or the SHD Studio? If the former, you don't like its DAC? It's not a bad chipset. 
Do standalone digital-to-digital EQ and Room Correction products exist? SPDIF in SPDIF out
Background: I have used various DSP units over the years, including the TacT 2.2X, Weiss EQ1 mastering equalizer, the full SHD (with DAC) in our living-room (second) system, the Classe CP-800, and the Anthem STR preamp. Unfortunately, I haven’t us... 
Do standalone digital-to-digital EQ and Room Correction products exist? SPDIF in SPDIF out
The miniDSP SHD Studio would be my pick. It has Dirac, arguably as good as any DRC system and better than most. 
PS Audio Directstream DAC Jr is discontinued - would you buy it now?
@jackd - Yes, if bought used, it might well be a good purchase. I'd still rather have a current model -- but that's a personal preference. 
Your favorite Electrostatic, Panel spkr
I have Janszen Valentinas (aka zA2.1). You can read REG’s review in TAS and several others if you want a good description of them. I like them for several reasons:typical electrostatic low distortion, high transparencyfairly directional, less wall... 
PS Audio Directstream DAC Jr is discontinued - would you buy it now?
I would not buy now a discontinued DAC unless I was sure I'd never sell it. Resale value takes a huge hit when models are discontinued.