
Responses from mike_in_nc

Should I try XLR?
Balanced (XLR) cables add value only if the components on both ends support them. In that case, they offer better connectors, less chance of potentially catastrophic hum from touching a live cable end, greater resistance to EMI/RFI, and less likel... 
ISO: Quality XLR Cables
If you are in the US, here is a reliable vendor whom I’ve used half a dozen times.I recommend Mogami 2549 with gold Neutrik XLRs.If your environment has a great deal of electromagnetic interference, you might prefer Mogami 2534 or Gothan GAC-4/1, ... 
Accuphase EQ, JVS and the challenges of the intermediate audiophile
The Accuphase is fascinating not just for what it does, but for how it’s configured. There is no volume control, very few inputs, and I’m not sure if it even has convenient source switching. With its ADC and DAC, it seems designed to go between pr... 
NAD M33 and which speakers?
If the PuriFi implementation in the NAD is anything like the one available through Apollon and other assembly houses, the M33 should do fine with any speaker that you like. The PuriFi amps are load invariant and interact less with speakers than ju... 
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
>> Anthem STR another good one I have heard and recall.  <<That is class AB, not D. 
I am no longer getting MQA?
You may need to change the settings of the Aries to MQA Pass-Through ON, under Streamer Settings.https://support.auralic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000190254-The-Streamer-Menu 
Quality outlets for non-audio
+1 to @jea48 comments. In particular, what is important is that the outlets be spec grade (usually so labeled) rather than contractor grade (often unlabeled). Contractor grade are the ones you can buy at Home Depot for 35c each. They don't last. T... 
Total System Gain Question
The gain of the preamp is, I would expect, specified at maximum. So it will be less as you turn the volume down.The gain of the power amp is typical of power amps I have used, as is the sensitivity of your speakers. I would think this would be fin... 
Subs And The Downstairs Neighbors
It is impossible to know whether the sound will bother the neighbors, so you'd best buy something that can be returned if it does.Structure-borne vibration can be a problem at low frequencies, like those emitted by a subwoofer. 
D’agostino preamp - unfortunate its SS?
>>  Are tubes preferred? <<Not by me. 
RCA to RCA versus RCA to XLR
No benefit. Might even cause more noise. 
Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
I suggest: don't over-generalize! What you've found is that in your system, with your room, your source material, and your speakers, that you and your friends prefer C1 to C2. Useful information! But what you have not found is anything more genera... 
What are the current useless terms in this "audio world"
The worst word in audio is "best," as in "What is the best DAC on the market today?" or "What is the best speaker for under $8k?" or more relevant to your question, "This amplifier [the one for sale] is the best amp I've ever heard." 
Subwoofer connection conundrum
You already answered your own question. It is fine to use a single-ended connection, as several of us have said. (IMO: Speaker-level inputs on subs are a gimmick.)Finally, could I run single-ended from the pre to the subs, or would that be a prob... 
Subwoofer connection conundrum
+1 to everything from @millercarbon on this question.Speaker-level input is an unnecessary complication.Unbalanced runs typically are fine for a sub.With subs, positioning is critical. Asymmetry will help give smoother response.