
Responses from mike_in_nc

Advice on dedicated room
Regarding bass: I agree with the suggestion to use a DBA. My main system has two JL Audio F112 subs, and I was delighted by the improvement when I added a third (a small B&W ASW 610) as proof of concept. That improvement went up another notch ... 
Advice on dedicated room
Have fun with the project, & let us know how it works out! 
Advice on dedicated room
Sound isolation ("soundproofing") is an entirely different thing from the internal acoustics of the room. In my experience building a room in our basement, they can work in opposite directions. The less leaky the room (to sound), the stronger will... 
My first streamer- what spidf cable to use?
Yes, the Blue Jeans cable would be a good choice. It’s as close to a 75-ohm cable as you’re likely to find. Mogami also makes a similar cable in the Mogami Gold line. With modern DACs, I have not heard differences among digital cables. 
Deciding if I like Class D.
>> The purpose of this post is to give my opinion . . . and ask if the price tag on the Weiss, which brings the cost over 3000, is worth it or not. <<As @russ69 said, SURE it’s worth if, given you much prefer the sound.I’ve bought many... 
Deciding if I like Class D.
I agree with @erik_squires and @fuzztone on this. Enough so that I won’t repeat their comments here.My experience with op amps is similar to yours. I much preferred the Sonic Imagery 990ENH TICHA to the Sparkos SS2590 in my setup (Apollon PuriFi-1... 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
According to the interwebs, in 1765, Samuel Johnson explained it thus:It is not easy to discover from what cause the acrimony of a scholiast can naturally proceed. The subjects to be discussed by him are of very small importance; they involve neit... 
Audiophile Priorities and Recent Topics
@three_easy_payments-- >> I also think there is an allure to the notion that a major improvement can be had for a relatively small cash outlay compared to amplifiers or speakers. Something like..."While I may not be able to afford that $2,50... 
Why audio streamers are so much more expensive than video streamers?
Audio streamers seem overpriced to me, too. I've heard very good performance from cheap ones built around a Raspberry Pi. There is an element of Veblen goods in pricing of much audio gear with high-end aspirations. Then, audio gear often is overbu... 
DAC for dummies
Assuming it’s the same DAC card, I’d put it into the integrated, rather than the player. The reason is that anything with moving parts (i.e., the CD transport) will likely fail before a purely electronic integrated amp. Also, as you get more digit... 
Nirvana sued over "Nevermind" cover photo
Spencer Eldon is an actual young man, and like the rest of us, his emotions may not be consistent or logical. Though I don’t see the image as child pornography, I’m not surprised it’s screwed with his head over the years. Should he get a cut? As a... 
Digital upgrade: new disc player or better streamer?
IMO, the key point is the DAC -- whether that's located in a player, streamer, or free-standing. Get the best DAC you can (listen to some, if possible), and you'll be on the right track. 
Moon 280D best computer setup
I do not have that particular unit (the 280D), but in the last 10 years I have used the original MiND and half a dozen other streamers and also run audio files straight from computers with JRiver to USB DACs. IMO, in a really good system, the soun... 
Room vs. Gear vs. time of life, ...and you?
@jusam--I’m 72, and my most memorable system is the one I have now. Finally, I’ve got a good quiet room . . . not ideally sized, but constructed for the purpose and better acoustically than most I’ve had or heard. I’m reasonably happy with the gea... 
Importance of a power conditioners versus surge protector
I second what @cleeds says. If the aluminum wiring hasn't been evaluated yet by a professional electrician, it's a high priority to get that done.