
Responses from mike_in_nc

Tact 2.2Mini Firmware Updates
I am a former TacT owner and was active in the Tact Users' Group. If you PM me with your email address, I will send it to the guy who still maintains an archive of TacT software and firmware. 
Balanced XLR cables
You can get (balanced) cables made to order, using Mogami W2549 and gold Neutrik XLRs, by many pro audio shops. This is NOT expensive, certainly not by audiophile standards. I have had very good service from ProAudioLA.Because of the length of int... 
Absorb or Diffuse Behind Listening Position?
As others have said, binary amplitude diffusion on the back wall would be a good solution for you. From reading about them, it's less important how far away from them you are, as compared with say quadratic diffusion. And you do get a nice bal... 
McIntosh amps can sure hold their value. This MC2300 just sold for $378,000!!
I remember, we were living in Marin County when Jerry died. The entire county went into mourning. It was as if the President had been assassinated. 
Why do amplifiers sound different?
Your statement that tube amps have flatter realized frequency response than solid-state amps is demonstrably false. If you look at the Stereophile’s measurements into a a simulated loudspeaker load (NOT into 8 ohms of pure resistance), you will fi... 
Recommended streamers/servers?
Auralic Aries G1 or G2.1. I have the former and think it’s great; I use the USB output. The latter is top of their line, and more costly. Besides excellent streaming performance, both models include top-flight DSP that you can engage if you want t... 
Bryston ???
Bryston is a solid company with great service.Many things are all f****d up for reasons stemming from the pandemic. I could give examples, but suffice it to say I've had trouble getting all kinds of services without long waits. And prices have gon... 
Bought mono blocks, now spkr cables too long
+1 to the comment by @yyzsantabarbara . The manufacturer is the best one to help you.In theory, shorter speaker cables are best, because the impedance of the cables influences the sound least. Whether that's audible -- or desirable -- to a given l... 
Congratulations (yet again!) to Duke!!
boulder and d'agostino
dealers have all kinds of reasons for recommendationsin your price range, they should give you a home audition of eitherthat way, you can decide for yourself 
Portland (Oregon) Audio Club
Hi, Zufan,We (the PAC) have been meeting on Zoom for about 18 months now. There was a brief period when we started having in-person events again, then Delta covid started raging and put an end to those. It was a pity, because we had planned the en... 
Owning the speakers you dreamed of 20 years ago
In that price category, I'd go the the speakers I dreamed about THIRTY years ago:Aerial 10T 
Why the difference in resale value?
P.S. I said I "enjoyed the heck out of" my original Adcom GFA 555. Thinking back -- it was a long time ago -- that really isn’t true. I remember that the treble always bothered me, Nelson Pass influence notwithstanding. I sent it out for modificat... 
Why the difference in resale value?
I suspect the meters have a lot to do with it. Gorgeous. The Adcom is just a black box. And I've noticed that many people buying older gear want not just sound, but appearance.Plus, Integra was Onkyo’s high-end line, like NAD Masters or Sony ES. A... 
American Audio
Janszen Audio, maker of superb electrostatic speakers in Columbus, Ohio. If they've been mentioned so far, I missed it.