
Responses from mgottlieb

dcs owners--
I tried the Polish DSD firewire cable and found it a significant improvement over the stock DSD cable. Using the DSD connection between the Purcell and Elgar was a major improvement over two balanced AES cables between the two, and I have used Pur... 
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?
Elberoth2--late 2004 vintage Verdi. DCS indicatd that a separate Verdi and Purcell DSD would marginally outperform the combo, though I'm not sure in what respect. Since I already had the Purcell, that was fine with me. Guido, nice to chat again. I... 
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?
Couldn't resist adding a few thoughts of my own. These comments are addressed just to the question of performance, not purchase recommendations and especially not what makes sense for the $ involved.dCS: I have had an early Purcell and Elgar and n... 
Who knows about dCS?
Hi. Can't get an email through to you. I might be able to help. Let me know your questions. M. Gottlieb 
I am considering an audition of the Esoteric X-01
It's an extraordinary player, and especially on SACD, which is mainly what I use it for, but it is ruthlessly accurate. It gives you everything there is on the disc--dynamics are better than anything else I've heard, soundstage is enormous, locati... 
pop and click filters
At one point or other I tried all of the above with the exception of the Packburn, and found they all simply did more harm than good. I would think that now something much better would be possible in purely digital foremat, but have no idea if any... 
Tone arm cable for SME V
I second the vote for Purist, but Venustas is not the top of the line. The Purist Dominus (Revision C, you'll never find a B any more)is absolutely extraordinary, and in DIN to RCA (I use a straight DIN with my SME V/SME 20.2 combo) isn't even all... 
Does Mcintosh MDA1000 work with DCS Purcell ?
Well, since I wrote the above I looked the X-01 over. It has a sealed port, for future output of DSD, according to the manual, and while I don't know what's under there, the fact that the new three box Esoteric units provide firewire connections s... 
Does Mcintosh MDA1000 work with DCS Purcell ?
Emile: If the X-01 has a firewire output I don't know it. I'll recheck the manual tonight, but so far as I know only the new three box Esoteric unit has it. M. Gottlieb 
Does Mcintosh MDA1000 work with DCS Purcell ?
Your questions are a bit confusing. The only way to get SACD playback through the dCS system is by using the Verdi, just as the only way to get it in the EMM system is by using both the EMM transport and EMM DAC. I use two Esoteric players, the X-... 
I'm totally confused about Hi Rez formats
Admittedly I'm a classical listener and that seems to be the area where the most SACD release activity is taking place, but I have around 400 SACDs and add 4-5 most months. In general I have been thoroughly delighted with the sound, and that's 2 c... 
Review: Esoteric DV-50 with Superclock 3 mod CD Player
No rebuttal intended. I am always interested in hearing that a mod on a piece of equipment I like has improved it, and that certainly includes the DV-50, and I thought your comments very informative. My only point was that it wasn't necessarily a ... 
Review: Esoteric DV-50 with Superclock 3 mod CD Player
This response is limited solely to the question of the comparison between the Esoteric X-01 and the stock DV-50, and has no relevance whatsoever to the modification to the DV-50 discussed--that sounds interesting, but I can't address it. The sugge... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Avguru: No. If I could permanently turn off the video I'd be happy to. 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Avguru: I never found anything further on the DVD-A performance of the UX-1, because I switched my attention to the X-01, and I really have to believe there was something off with the demo machine for two foremats to sound so good and one to be so...