
Responses from mesch

integrated watts or amp watts
I tend to agree that at the $1500 range an integrated amp would provide a greater return on $$ in most cases. That said, there are cases where the flexibility of separates may need be considered.As Zd states, power ratings vary widely between comp... 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Yes Al, I failed to consider the NAD amp/speaker interaction. I just assumed that the OP was satisfied with the sound of of the amp section driving his current speakers and was throwing a little kidding Zd’s way. 
would I be better off...
There is a Micro Mega MyDAC for sale here, asking price is $250. I think it would be worth trying out. I have not heard one, however I mention this option because this DAC has gotten great reviews by audio press and owners as being very in the und... 
Integrated with built-in accessible DAC bad move?
What types of digital inputs does the Hegel 300 have? I believe the USB interface is changing faster than DAC technology. 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
I like the approach recommended by ZD. I am surprised he didn’t suggest getting the Ayre preamp 1st and use your NAD as the amp until ready to buy newer speakers. I would think he would think it would make the biggest improvement in your system as... 
Tonearm wiring termination---DIN, or RCA jacks?
Swamp, that seems like a very sensible solution. I suppose the wire could be enclosed in some type of sheath for added strength. Have you seen this done? 
What Pre/Pro do you recommend?
Sorry Krelldog, Runnin remained focused on your needs. That said, the 2-channel Pre with HT remains a viable option for someone trying to improve a HT system for music purposed one the HT system is positioned to satisfy. 
would I be better off...
I found the DL III to be a fine DAC and very worth the used price i see then go for here on AG. Yes the USB was included for convenience. I used a USB/SPDIF converter as well. Problem is that it only has a single coax input so makes it difficult t... 
Fess Up How much have you spent on this Hobby??
“ ... live within your means to the maximum extent possible.” Best statement I have read recently! 
What Pre/Pro do you recommend?
So you are happy with your system for video however want to improve it for audio. I agree with Zd, a 2 channel pre with HT would serve you well. Also as Zd stated, you might find that for music you don’t need the sub. 
would I be better off...
I agree with Bomb. I would keep your amp and get an outboard DAC. Please tell us more about your setup: computer, file types, playback software, speakers. 
Back to Square One
I can’t help but think that the Pioneers would work for you even though rear ported. They are rolled off at high and low frequencies which would benefit your lively room regarding the higher frequencies and close to wall placement would augment th... 
Back to Square One
If you are anticipating an speaker upgrade when finances allow, I would go with the Pioneer sp22s for now. A very pleasing sound at a price that will allow for savings to be set aside for the future. 
Macbook +DAC versus cd player+DAC
I use a Mac Pro and a Mac Mini, both with Pure Music into different systems. In both cases I use a USB/Spdif converter into a DAC. I found Pure Music relatively easy to set up and without glitches. With single purchase can be used on 2 computers.  
Room treatment
I built my panels using products form ATS acoustics, Piper City Illinois.They have everything one needs. See their web site. They are very helpful. I used 1x3” pine for the frames, lighter in weight. Good luck!