
Responses from melm

Switching to battery power
My new DAC uses super-capacitors that are said to act like batteries.  When I go from stand-by to on, it takes a bit over 2 minutes for the super-capacitors to charge.  Why don't designers use these more? 
Has any inexpensive Asian DAC manufacturer harnessed the ESS Sabre ES9038PRO Chip?
@urbie "But Ess 9038 pro chip is very difficult to work with, so I don’t think the Chinese have the expertise to be able to implement it properly"Are you living on another planet? Every year about 10 times the number of engineers graduate in China... 
Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?
The best VALUES are from Chinese manufacturers.  They know how to build great DACs with great parts and performance.  My own favorite for value is the LKS DA004.  But there are many others.I'm not writing of US or European makers who manufacture i... 
Anyone heard the LKS /Musetec MH DA005?
There are a couple of reviews now over at 
MQA is for chumps
Watching this video you’d have to conclude that MQA is a fraud! How did the industry fall for it?  I think Stereophile's John Atkinson was in MQA's pocket. 
Amazon just killed Tidal
Unfortunately, the  Amazon HD desk top app does not let the user open a WASAPI or ASIO session. They wrote me saying they have no plans to do so, even after all this time.  That puts it far behind Qobuz which does.  Many (most?) people without a ... 
What phono preamp are you using?
Fosgate Signature V2 with  Audio Technica Art-9  
Anyone heard the LKS /Musetec MH DA005?
I have one on order. I also have an LKS MH DA004 and I think it’s a really great DAC, easily approaching and often surpassing a pretty good analog system. I have much duplicate digital and lp music.The designer seems to have taken the basics of a ... 
SACD Warning--"Do not use liquid cleaning..." ?
I find that Windex works very well. 
Best Brahms Third Symphony
Two of my favorites are Janowski and Muti. 
Best Sounding USB Cables?
I have found that solid core cable is best for USB. As for solid core copper, or silver plated solid copper or solid silver, these are different flavors. Which tastes best will depend upon what electronics is at either end.You don't have to spend ... 
Best Sounding USB Cables?
@mastering92Within a cable there is no such thing as a "digital signal."  There is only an analog signal attempting to be a sequence of perfect square waves. So everything matters.  Like so many others here, I have heard considerable differences a... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
sns,Stereophile had to violate one of its cardinal rules to review the Okto, to wit no US distribution=no review. I wouldn’t be surprised if they hear from their advertisers. It’s tough enough for US manufacturers to compete with importers. So it’... 
Has Anyone Auditioned an LKS MH-DA004 DAC?
Just a few brief points.  I've had a good deal of very positive interaction with Jinbo, the designer and (I think) head of LKS.  He has been very helpful and will provide whatever support his customers need.  I wish him well with the 005.  As for ... 
Azimuth: how critical is it?
Correct azimuth allows you to have a soundstage that, for many recordings, extends well beyond the speakers and well behind them. Since I listen to classical music, I think the rewards of a proper azimuth are large and rewarding. YMMV.The adjustme...