
Responses from mechans

tying in yamaharxv-665w/adcomgfa555as 2 channel
I would assume (I know ass U me) he means that he cannot get the preamp of the pre pro to transmit a signal through the control functions. So when he attaches his source and his outputs to the power amp, the "Yammi" will not respond to the controls. 
Moving Coil recomendations for ARC SP11
You should be able to switch the gain to let you use higher output MCs like the Dynevector 20X which I like. It may be tough to get one for less than $500. 
How to level match when comparing components?
The OP asked a simple question. The answer pink noise and a db meter. He/she is not asking whether one should be analytic or emotional regarding component comparisons or what the requisite period of time for a valid comparison. 
amp/preamp for snell b minor
Use big tube amps. There are a bunch around- but if I may make a suggestion -I have found nirvana with Consonance Cyber 800 monoblocks (A 6 Moons Blue Moon Award winner). Don't forget to use a tube pre for the most magic. 
Kingsound King II vs King
You might as well get the plain King because you know you like it and have already rationalized the purchase price. If you were really overly concerned with warranty service matters, you would not have considered them in the first place. If and wh... 
Are DACS necessary?
You can also get your Oppo's DAC modded with the other usual circuit improvements and superclock to better your sound from a one box solution. Again it will most likely not interfere with conventional preamps which normally don't have a built in D... 
Audio Research Reference 3 vs Modwright LS 36.5?
Why question your own conclusions using your amps and speakers. It is apparent that you found the ARC REF 5 to be a synergistic component that accomplished your desired goal.The only thing that would alter your conclusion since your don't own the ... 
Music Reference RM200 - Running so hot
Why not ask Rodger Himself? 
8 gauge vs 10 gauge OF speaker cable
You know you might have an idea there. The ultimate connection solid copper buss bar bent to order. Or DIY with a form of copper pipe. A thin clear coat might be good enough for insulation or perhaps something to prevent it from becoming an antenn... 
Help with Cables "which ones best for my set-up?"
I will venture that you want a rich, full, lush, sound from your system. Although some may argue I would venture that the McIntosh sound, whilst full and dynamic leans to the warmer side of the spectrum. (I do own a Mc amp) Countering this is your... 
Avalon ,discoloration of ceramic tweeter
You burnt the living #$%&* out of them, Best to get the exact tweeters from the distributor and pop in two new ones. Just be careful to attach the wires correctly. I did the same thing but no color chage to my JM/Focals. The fix was very easy ... 
Dynavector 20XH or top tier MM?
The Dynevector for sure. 
McIntosh vs. Accuphase
I have heard Accuphase amps and owned an Accuphase pre for a while. I agree with your thinking that your experience is far from the typical impression of the Accuphase house sound and may have been a "fluke". 
Budget amp for NHT 2.5i - suggestions?
Don't you need the high current clone or would any First Watt clone work? I know they are not big wattage amps.The OP request for low cost may preclude this but used Odyssey SS amps for the bass are fairly inexpensive. If you can get a used Cary m... 
Room treatment...what is the goal?
The objective is to eliminate echos, reverberations, vibrations, resonances. I think most agree, those phenomena, will interfere with enjoying your music. However the goal must be to achieve the sound you like that you prefer only. If it sounds de...