
Responses from mechans

Which speakers have the biggest soundstage
The speakers that are set up correctly and use both tube preamps and tubed power amps for electronics. I found the tubed power amps have by far the biggest effect on soundstage then the input tube on your pre. I know some will claim otherwise but ... 
Tube Life Question: 12AX7 Drivers
Ben what you describe as dull.dry and lifeless others might perceive as burn in. Try the Sovtek LPS it might be right up your alley and are supposed to be quite rugged. 
VPI Scout finish question
With several coats of primer which are sanded each time then several coats of heavy gloss color followed by several coats of clear high gloss. Why not. What color/s are you thinking of? Jaguar F1 colors call Uncle Kevin or the rumored to be retire... 
Kimber 12TC or bifocal X for speaker?
If you can swing it the least expensive Jena cable worked great in my systen and BTW I use Cardas Jumpers not Biwire couldn't spend the money. 
Pros/Cons of moving from CJ PV 10 to SS?
Pro you will likely end up with a cleaner sonic going SS. You will almost certainly eliminate the high pitched sound, but as mentioned that is suggestive of a physical problem with your pre that should not exist. You may want to get it fixed. The ... 
Silver Power Cord Terminations?
Actualy the physical properties of pure silver aside from it's being the best of conductor, may not be practical for that application . The cost of pure silver .999+ is only about $15-20 an ounce. So it is not as ridiculous as it sounds. I don't t... 
Are you a Verificationist about audio?
No and the notion that this is a major division amongst audio hobbyists appears untrue. I have no instrument to measure this claim. The only measuring devices I use are an SPL meter but not for the purposes of verifying a loudspeaker's claimed sen... 
Allison One speakers
Yep I considerded buying them in 1976 but decided to buy Heresys . 
Tweaks to Add A Little Treble Emphasis...
Yes you are right try silver ICs. I like the brand - "Home Grown" model- Silver Lace.Also try brighter sounding 12AX7s instead of your 5751s. Some examples are Ei Silver Bullets which are now NOS. Sino C9s if available are remarkably clean. As men... 
Amps in the same class as Pass XA.5 series
Putting aside for the moment inherent problem in asking people about their subjective favorite, which only serves as a reflection of their arbitrary preferences and priorities. The value(in a sense the statistical power) of any single answer rests... 
Cary 805s or Atma Sphere M60s?
Not sure the autoformers make sense if you want to get the output tansformer less sonics. Atmasphere Amps are well known to the forum and professional publication set. I am sure a search will yield a couple of formal reviews which would be more in... 
impedance matching amp/preamp
Thank you for both explainations. I think I will only understand it fully when I find a way and the time to immerse myself in the Physics. I seemed to understand these concepts with much better facility thirty years ago. It is annoyingly frustrati... 
Whats the difference between MOSFET & Class A, AB
A MOSFET is an acronym for an amplification device not the type of circuit. BTW it is metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor. There are other FETs but I too like the old thermionic tubes. 
Bring on the criticism...
It doesn't matter if the sensivity of the two are different. The effect is the same a wall of sound. I did this to get as much sound as I could. Then I started to like soundstage and imaging. Now I use 1 pair at a time and my tube amps wouldn't ex... 
Would a Miniwatt N3 be enough to move my speakers?
Do you like these speakers? If not sure then either as J-Bailey says single driver but I don't know which would be quality and about $500. An alternative are high efficiancy Horn speakers like Klipsch Heresys which you can pick up used for about $...