
Responses from mechans

Should Equalizers make a comeback?
I am starting to think that tone control circuitry and potentiometers have traditionally not been of very good quality. This may be the reason that they have been avoided. I also think an industry arose to accomplish the same ends. In many ways to... 
Smoke Head or Sherry Bomb?
Cwlondon I would venture that there are more than a handful of us who like multiple expensive hobbies. How about the wine collectors. As for whisky I never drank it much myself prefering the more than equally ridiculous Cognacs/Armagnacs, but hung... 
Prima Luna three or Adcom GDP-750?
A modern tube preamp shouldn't sound bad at all. I think want you must mean by "tubey" is slow,syrupy and rolled off. I have found none of that, using both a tube pre and amp of recent manufacture. Instead I have brilliant transparency halographic... 
Recomendations Please
I agree the Vandy 2CEs sounded really bassy to me almost to the point of being imbalanced. If you want punchier bass then you need a different set up where you can blow high SPLs and not get distortion or sound effect bass. Bigger speakers might b... 
What are the alternatives for Kimber and Cardas?
If you find another cable for cheap that sounds like a Cardas Gold Reference please let me know. I really like what they did for my system between my pre and power amps. That said I didn't want to use Cardas Gold Refs in all positions. For instanc... 
Replacement for NAD C350
Try used Chanel Islands power amps. They are D-Class like the Bel Canto. Then add an affordable preamp like an AES (Cary made) AE-3. I am assuming you would be buying "pre-owned". 
Experiences with mass loading stands
Yes you can overdamp anything in audio. This may be your problem. Your description fits the general impression of an overdamped element deadening an otherwise lively sound. 
best used inexpensive cd only player
I disagree with the anti Music Hall posts. I find it to be a very detailed clarion player that is a true giant killer. It is not the last word in CDPs I have since found fuller sounding players that image better but keep it for a second system. It... 
Esound E5 Signature VS Jolida JD100
All that I can tell you is that the Jolida sounded terrible in my system. I changed the output tubes to Mullard CV4004s with vast improvement but still preferred my other CDPs. I even liked my lowly Music Hall MMF-25 over the JD100. The sound was ... 
I'm looking for a preamp to go with Emotiva XPA-2
Yes the Denon should be replaced. I would match the input impedance of your power amp to the pre amp output impedance. Evidently a high input impedance is good for most tubed pres. If the Emotiva has a reasonbly high input impedance you are in luc... 
Overpowering Speakers
In any event-The question was about having an amp that exceeded specified wattage limits the speaker manufacturer stated. And if exceeding that predefined wattage limit would then cause harm? The answer is yes, - an amplifier rated as having watta... 
Speakers for Dance music and other
I agree with Shadorne here if it's dance music like disco then you might want to consider pro audio. As for me I use Klipsch LaScalas with a McIntosh amp which is a reasonably good combination for dance but clearly not for critical listening syste... 
Brit singers late 80s-90s....roses, mondays, etc..
You sure make it sound enticing ! Why bother to even try to get a snippet of these bands? 
Goldmund mimesis 9.5 and Wilson system 8
I didn't have any idea that audio was as difficult to audition in Japan as you recount. I was under the impression that Japan was a "last bastion" of a nation of audiophiles. To answer your question I don't know the Goldmund Nimesis but agree with... 
Most attractive power cables?
The fattest hoses you can get. I think they have a name like The Mega Giga Tera ne Plus Ultra Super Fatboy LE AWG of 1 Linkwitz O'Rien Pure Twisted Single Monlithic Crystal Silver Platinum Rhdodium Mercury Flux Liquid Carbon Fiber Alloy wrapped in...