
Responses from mechans

Jm Labs Electra 936 help needed.
I own them. It goes without saying that you need to get the room acoustics right. I would carpet the floor as a start. I had the same problem with harshness and over bright sound using numerous SS amps. Then I finally took a friends advice who tol... 
Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence
If you can get the AES as demos or new go for it. Then roll the AE-3's 6SN7s to 1940s-50s Sylvania GTs you can get them installed if you get the pre from Upscale. You might want to mix and match using the Primaluna monoblocks for the power amps in... 
Dynavector Karat or Grado Statement Reference 1
I am always very unimpressed when the best thing you can say about anything in our hobby is that amorphous ameoba of a descriptor, called musical. I would avoid it based on that alone. For crying out tears, when you play a music record, what you h... 
You'll know it when you hear it
Actually we might want to catalog our knowledge and understanding in some sort of Gonopedia except that name rhymes with gonorrhea. I'll try another name how about wikiGon? 
You'll know it when you hear it
DavtPerhaps what you are telling us is that our Moreality is Immorality. As for your first point I think that musicality is a term that describes something the conceeds many of our imagined superlatives as missing but what is left is still enjoyab... 
Upgrade dilemma-need advise
Get the speakers you like then build the rest of the system to fit. 
Which DAC prevails in this chain of converters?
Are you asking, whether your CD player, DAC or receiver is actually converting the signal to analog? Or do you think that each one is doing the same thing in series? With each contributing to a refinement of the signalWell to my knowledge it doesn... 
How much Amp for Paradigm Studio 100 v2's
The simple answer is that you need a high current amp not just a high wattage amp. Some examples of amps that are stable into low impedances are Sanders, H2O, Wyed4sound etc all high current other examples are Krell, Pass, Coda,Bryston, Rowland, M... 
Fun Little Project for improving Dynamics
Actually the problem lies in the quality of the crystals. It is impossible to get many small crystals to work in parallel. The result is crystal smearing effect. The solution is to get only a couple of larger transparent flawless and oscillation m... 
Dynaudio Special One-Anyone heard/own these?
If your budget allows it, by all means, try a little bit more headroom from a high quality amp. It should make them sound even better. You may want to try a pure class A amp or one that is highly biased toward class A. Perhaps a Pass amp but there... 
The Hub: Numbers unclear, but strongest RMAF yet!
Let me be the first to respond with a mildly cynical comment. You are undoubtedly right that the industry is moving forward from here. The question you might ask is where we are now? Perhaps there is only one direction to move in. BTW I don't thin... 
Should I end my search
You and yours have bit the apple. It's too late to stop now. No matter how sensible it is to stop while you are ahead you will have to prove to yourself that another change won't improve matters. The only way to do that is to go out and buy some m... 
ear 868 0r modwright LS 36.5 w PS or VTL 7.5 S1
A separate power supply is not meaningful in the absence of sonic improvement. Consider the wall wart for instance as an example of a true separate power supply. Therefore trust your ears do determine better sound not a theorectical better sound b... 
VPI Scout II questions
I have a scout with the Dynevector 20X HO. It is a superb combination with the Graham Slee Phono Stage I have. I think you can get the 20X in the medium output still. It would be worth a shot. 
tube warm up if any
Regarding warm up I echo the others about 5 or 10 minutes. With regard to rolling tell us what tubes it currently uses? It is a 12AX7 is it not?