
Responses from mcfarland

Warmer sounding CD Players?
Mjw55 has the most practicle solution to your problem, IMHO. Very good advise, indeed. Consider this a second vote for the MF x10v3! Happy Listening. 
Which integrateds have the best preamp section?
IMHO, for the "best" pre-amp sections of integrated amps that I have listened to: in the tubed category: McIntosh MC 2275, the BAT VK300xSE, and any of the Jadis DA series. In the solid state category: I like the YBA Integra DT. I am sure there ar... 
Mixed Results from My Hifi
Boa2 has some good thoughts. Also, try moving your speakers forward in the room about 3 feet or so. (I like to try 1/3, or 1/5, or 1/7th the length of the room). Your soundstage should grow quite a bit, with more spacing between instruments and a ... 
Deutsche Grammophon Original Masters Series
Years ago, circa mid 1970's, Time-Life had a Deutche-Grammafone series of classical LP recordings which I subscribed to for about $20/month. This only lasted a few months as the sound quality was poor. That left a bad opinion in my mind for Deutch... 
Good way to dampen tonearm?
Ralph Karsten at Atma-Sphere ( sells a high quality tone arm wrap that may interest you. Check it out, Ralph can give you more information. Happy Listening 
Budget Preamps for Atmaspheres?
You should be looking for a true balanced pre-amp, such as an ARC LS3B. I picked up an Audio Experience Balanced line stage (circa $1000, new) for about $600 used (less than one year old), for my M60's. It uses TWO volume controls, however, one fo... 
Are there any budget tubed preamps that stand out
Take a look at the Audio Experience Symphonies Plus. I've owned mine over 4 years and have been very happy with the performance. I believe, new or used, it's well within your price range, and, it's an overachiever. 
SME Series III Tonearm
The SME series III is a good tonearm, circa early 1980's. It is still a good tonearm! The fact that it is mounted on a Rega P3 (circa late 1990's) lends me to believe that the cartridge is probably good, and so should be the stylus. You could exam... 
Jadis Orchestra Ref + Pre-Amp?
I have a JOR and gave it to my wife. The JOR has a PASSIVE pre-amp section with no gain. I used a Rotel tuner/pre-amp so that she can have the convenience of remote control. I have the JOR's gain control at about 10 or 11 O'Clock, if that helps yo... 
Power Cords on a $1000 budget what would you do?
IMHO, I would recommend that you contact A'gon member Subaruguru. Ernie Meuner (subaruguru) makes do it yourself power cord kits that are fun and easy to assemble, and, very high in quality. For a modest additional sum, you cannot only specify len... 
Absolute newbie question ??
It sounds to me that you may be tracking too light. Get a stylus wgt scale and check to see that you are tracking within the recommended guide lines for your cartridge. Also the anti-skate need to be accurate if there is one. Make sure also that i... 
Tired of boring, polite, laid-back sound.....
The "Brits" as you call them, are generally noted for their polite, laid back sound. If what you want is "lively, open, and energized", I suggest you consider something else (Adcom separates, Denon, Sony, or Onkyo receivers, Hafler separates, et. ... 
Hum Isolation Suggestions.
Check your headshell connections to see if any have loosened, the same with all other connections from the RCA cabling and DIN connectors should they be present. A cheater plug on the tables power cord may also help. If you have TV cable connected... 
the best bookshelf speakers for Krell400 xi
IMHO see if you can audition the Sonus Faber Electa Amators. Nice to look at, fast, tonally correct, and great imaging. 
Seeking hot running amps
Atma-Spheres! Check out (remember the atma is spelled with a's and there is a hyphen, too)